Cuomo Rules Out Running for President in 2020: ‘I Have a Full Plate’ – IOTW Report

Cuomo Rules Out Running for President in 2020: ‘I Have a Full Plate’

Where? In his head?

WFB… New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) said Tuesday he will not run for president in 2020, telling a radio station he has a “full plate” with his new term.

A fierce critic of President Donald Trump, Cuomo told WNYC’s Brian Lehrer he could rule out a run, in a clip flagged by CNN. Cuomo said politicians who don’t touch people and improve their lives have failed, and he said voters went with Trump “out of desperation” because of Democratic Party failings.

When he said Democrats needed a positive program for people to rally behind, Lehrer asked him if he was describing himself in his analysis of the ideal candidate.

“I am ruling it out. I ran for governor, I have a full plate, I have many projects. I’m going to be here doing the job of governor,” Cuomo said. “I am governor of New York, and I have a lot to do.”

Cuomo claimed in August he would serve four years if elected to a third term, unless God struck him dead, but it’s common for politicians to make definitive pledges not to run for president while in the midst of other campaigns and then change course. read more

18 Comments on Cuomo Rules Out Running for President in 2020: ‘I Have a Full Plate’

  1. Cuomo has already been governor for how many years? For him to say he has a ‘full plate’ is an admission that he has done a lousy job in that office so far.

    Since they reelected him, NooYawkers deserve no better. Keep him.

  2. Cuomo raised eyebrows in August when he remarked America “was never that great,” in response to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

    Good! One less America hating commie to run for POTUS.

  3. I bet Joe Biden runs. He was recently in the news for adopting a rescue dog. The msm are getting a jump start on building up a nice guy image of him.

    @LOL at the full plate in Cuomo’s head comment!!! I bet the real reason he’s not running is because the DNC power brokers have told him thanks, but no thanks.

  4. @Dianny – I think he won again because the conservative votes were divided between two candidates, Molinaro and Sharpe – so we once again end up with the biggest POS in NY. Either Sharpe or Molinaro should have bowed out and endorsed who was left to run against Cuomo. It feels like we’ll never be rid of that scumbag.


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