Cuomo waives quarantine for performers at Awards show – IOTW Report

Cuomo waives quarantine for performers at Awards show

infowarsNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) announced he would allow rock stars and celebrities to bypass the state’s mandatory 14-day quarantine so that they can perform at the MTV Video Music Awards next week.

In another stunning example of COVID hypocrisy by the Democrats, Cuomo has decided to exempt the music industry’s hottest stars from being quarantined because they’re not regular peasants like the rest of us.


15 Comments on Cuomo waives quarantine for performers at Awards show

  1. When do 2 sets = 0 sets? When Socialist run things there is no law, only demands and reprisals for those beneath them.
    With that in mind, behave as you see fitting.

  2. These governors do this because a mere hundred people don’t walk into their office and literally nail their feet to the floor. Or haul them out, strip them naked and imprison them in stocks on public display.

    Until then, they have been given permission from their governed to continue to do so. Silence is acquiescence.

  3. Lowell; Your 100% right, that’s the whole problem in a nut shell. Until we stand up we’ll be getting knocked down all the time. Works like a bully.

  4. Of course, what WAS CANCELED, something I booked months ago, the United States Navy air Show for September at Naval Air Station Oceana.

    I had hotel booked. Now cancelled.

    Blue Angels might breathe on someone.

    I have had It with this shutdown.

    AntiAmerican dirtbags can do whatever they wish. ProAmericans are diseased monsters.

    I am sensing a Pattern.

    And Governor Blackface can suck my huge. Toe.

  5. ‘Bag of dicks. All of them.’

    Thanks @MJA, that a bout’ sums it up FOR ME. How is duffle bag size bag?? Is that big enough for ya??

    This motherfucker had me in ‘quarantine jail’, because of HIS policies, for the past TWO weeks because of our trip we went on. NO REGRETS. So dam sick of these bastards.

    I am VERY lucky I can and do work from home in that time. Others are not so lucky.

    (I have been at my job for twenty five years and they are observing the NYS Exec requirements).

    Plan on being back in tomorrow.

  6. He may be every thing his critics rightfully claim he is BUT he still gets freely elected by his states voting population to continually screw them over! The so-called humans vegetating there must have a steak of masochism a mile wide and a mile deep!

  7. Racer X;
    Apparently because no one has the balls to shoot the bastards – yet.
    I figure when they’ve pushed enough good people way out of their comfort zone, the reprisals will be awesome.


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