Cuomo’s office terrorized me for doing my job as a journalist – IOTW Report

Cuomo’s office terrorized me for doing my job as a journalist

NYP: It was 4:30 a.m., so I pulled the bathroom door shut in my one-bedroom Brooklyn apartment to answer the phone without waking my then-5-year-old. On the line was Melissa DeRosa, Gov. Cuomo’s then-communications director, now his second-in-command. She was threatening to destroy me.

By now, thanks to Queens Assemblyman Ron Kim blowing the whistle on the threats he received in a call from Cuomo, the public has a glimpse of the bullying practiced by the governor and his top brass.

Many Americans are shocked, having bought into the compassionate persona Cuomo conveyed in his pandemic briefings. But Kim’s revelations came as no surprise to anyone who has dealt with the governor. As one Albany insider texted me last week, “everyone has an Andrew Cuomo story.”

While the April 2014 call I received from DeRosa didn’t come directly from the governor, I knew it bore the full weight of his power. City & State, the New York politics magazine I edited at the time, was about to publish a story exposing Cuomo’s machinations to distort the final report issued by the Moreland Commission on Public Corruption. more

8 Comments on Cuomo’s office terrorized me for doing my job as a journalist

  1. Please. Isn’t it more than obvious now that that’s how liberals play the game? It’s nothing new, either. Just read C. S. Lewis’s trilogy. The last book has the organization named N.I.C.E. On the surface they are so polite and caring but they are EVIL.

  2. “Many Americans are shocked, having bought into the compassionate persona…”

    Horseshit. Nobody in their right mind believed a second of his horseshit posturing. Followers of the progressive movement feigned belief, but they are so fucking confused they don’t know if they are a boy or a girl. They wouldn’t know honest empathy and true compassion if it fell out of the sky and landed in their lap. The leaders of the progressive movement long ago weaponized the very concept of empathy and compassion and use both exclusively to advance their political agenda… which has a documented track record of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death every time the followers have achieved critical mass and have been able to implement their programs.

    I am so fucking tired of this goddamn nonsensical bullshit regarding how Americans have bought into this, that and the other. That is part of selling a narrative, it is transparently obvious it is and I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with it.

  3. In the words of Pat Benatar, “It’s a little too little, it’s a little too late”Where were these people when the media were holding up Cuomo as the paradigm of virtue and leadership? Sorry, honey, you have no respect from me

  4. She refers to his guise of having a “compassionate persona”.
    Every time I saw him pop up he always looked and acted like an arrogant prick. Seems it doesn’t take much foolin’ to fool, fools.

  5. Funny how during an entire year of Cuomhole v Trump it was ‘orange man very bad’ on steroids.

    But now, suddenly, Dickus Maximus of NY stands naked before us! Funny.


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