Cuomo’s “Specials” got priority while the vulnerable died – IOTW Report

Cuomo’s “Specials” got priority while the vulnerable died

Patriot Retort

In New York, some people are more equal than others — chief among them, Andrew Cuomo’s “specials.”

Living in New York, one can’t help but wonder if Karma is on some kind of travel ban list that bars it from entering this once great state. There’s really no other explanation for why, after everything we’ve learned, the loathsome Andrew Cuomo is still firmly secure in the Governor’s mansion.

The latest news is both infuriating and completely unsurprising. The governor who sent senior citizens to their deaths in nursing homes then covered up the data gave preferential treatment to people in his orbit considered “Specials.” Family, in-laws, friends and influential movers and shakers got moved to the front of the line while New York’s vulnerable died alone.

Counted among Cuomo’s “specials” was his brother Chris, and his brother-in-law (and fashion designer Kenneth Cole). more

16 Comments on Cuomo’s “Specials” got priority while the vulnerable died

  1. Regarding Cuomo (and De Blasio), what I find particularly amusing is that they both hate each other, are always calling each other incompetent (see current article about Cuomo’s new book), when in fact they are two vapid assholes driving the city and state into the ground.

    Watching these two fight is like watching Laurel and Hardy.

  2. I don’t normally respond to Anonymous’ posts because I find them wildly inconsistent, but I would like to point out that, analogous to Schrodinger’s cat, taking the vaccine is neither good or bad until the final results box is opened.

    At the current time, that box is still firmly closed.


    No they would not. This is what I hear each and every time some progressive icon is caught insider trading. It is EXACTLY what you would do, but to project your own immorality onto others is as despicable an act as there is.

    If you study Critical Theory all of the rules, right down to the minutia, apply to them, none of them apply to us.

  4. “I might take the vaccine when it’s no longer experimental.”

    But do you think it is good or bad at the present?

    That should determine if you think Cuomo jumping to the front is a good or bad thing to do.

    Personally, I don’t criticize him because I think it is dangerous at this point and would rather he be the one facing danger than some innocent coerced into it by claims it is good.

    I have no intention of taking it myself, for multiple reasons.

    And I’m quite consistent in my attitude.

  5. All my posts, anywhere I go, are firmly against the experimental biological weapon. And masks and lockdowns. I will never take it. I have come to the conclusion that most people do not want the truth, they don’t want to hear it. They cannot admit they bought into the very first lie and every one after that. And these people will not hesitate to turn in someone like me when it becomes mandatory.

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