Culper Precision, a Provo-based company that creates customized firearms, has come under criticism for offering customers a Glock handgun encased in Lego blocks.
— The Salt Lake Tribune (@sltrib) July 15, 2021
27 Comments on Custom Firearm Maker Producing a Glock That Looks Like Legos Comes Under Fire
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If you run out of ammo toss it in front of the assailant’s bare feet…
This ain’t helping, folks!
The CIA must be behind this.
In Die Hard II, they had ceramic Glocks to get past security.
The more you know…
I sure hope no OneSixer has one. That’d be enough to make the Dems support the death penalty.
I think Hambone is on the right track.
There is NO end to their retarded bullshit; what’s right is wrong, what’s left is right, what’s up is down…
It’s their endless attempt to instill total chaos in America.
Illusion, confusion then possession.
Really dumb Idea.
Just begs a kid to touch it and create a disaster.
Thirdtwin, if he’s found with a Lego Glock AD Lego Capitol Building set THEN, he will be shot on site & DNR order executed…
As an 07FLL I hate this shit. There will be a body count because of this novelty. Not cool. Very stupid.
Custom Firearm Maker Producing a Glock
That Looks Like Legos Comes Under Fire
He came under fire? Should have been a defensive gun use.
The Cell Phone gun has a pretty good death count. If I’m LE and you have a cell phone in your hand you are now a threat. And I would have real plans about going home alive that day. Stupid shit. BUY A REAL GUN.
I’ve never been big on novelty guns either Brad. Seems the fanboys of that sort of thing rarely have developed much skill either.
I was at my mom’s house today and yes, I have every right to talk. There is a book case full of trophies I had won in various shooting disciplines in it.
“There is a book case full of trophies I had won in various shooting disciplines in it.”
Blow that shit up and post it here. Why wouldn’t you be just as proud as if it were a traditional sports award. Ya know back as late as the forties they use to teach gun proficiency in the schools. Fuck the weak sisters.
Is proficiency with a firearm on a course of fire more demanding than Golf? I say yes. How about baseball? I say hell yes. Prove me wrong.
i lean towards cia or fbi involvement to throw gas on the fire.
Cute, but stupid. It’s sort of like a gold plated AK-47, or thinking you’re going to hide a full sized 1911 in your gym shorts.
the dirtball
I can speak to that. I EDC a 1911, and this time of year it can be a real problem.
Stop rusting that 1911 and buy a Glock.
When I was chasing the PITA Trap circuit I was pretty dangerous when I was flat on my ass broke and needed to win money to get home. If I was fat, I wasn’t so tough. Needing money for gas to get home is a good motivator to not have your mind wandering.
Shooting is a mind game and you have to keep focused or you may as well go home. Everyone on the line or in the squad in trap or skeet essentially have the mechanics down and are equal in that regard. If I had money in my pocket chances were that I was at wherever the girls were on Saturday night and my focus wasn’t real good.
In 16 yard singles if you don’t run the targets you will not place and are unlikely to even come in third unless the wind is really kicking up or the light especially bad. In one instance we were shooting on the high line and the background was wheat. They were throwing black targets and they stood out great against the wheat… until right before a big shoot they burned the stubble off. All they had were black targets and the scores that weekend were horrendous.
If you are an AA Class shooter that means you hold a 97.5 average or better. Most shoots will go to a shoot off (sudden death) and are won or lost in the second 25. That is where someone gets careless and drops a target. Most AA class shoots I was entered in the first hundred targets ended with a couple or three shooters running the targets straight.
I shot practice on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday then traveled on Friday and shot registered targets Saturday and Sunday. About a thousand rounds/week. If there was a registered shoot I would shoot a small bore silhouette match locally, if I could find one.
Just me and my dog on the road with a couple Beretta shotguns and a bunch of reloading components I sold to make enough money to keep at it.
Is this really necessary? Why not make it chocolate chip flavored too.
I’ll stick with my Model20 in OD Green.
A number of fools are commenting here. Begs a child to touch it? Perhaps, if he can open the safe or locked cabinet. A body count over this gun? Really? How many do you think will actually get out to the public?
Cancel culture,how about canabel culture?
I want one that looks like a nerf gun. Will my lego blocks stick to it & the offical lego ammo work in it.
Remember the cigarette lighters that looked like a real bun? Or Airsoft toy pistols that liiked like the real thing? So it’s kind of funny that the real thing might look like a toy.
I grew up in a house hold where guns were a daily part of life and one could be found in every room of the house including the bathroom. We did not turn out to be mass killers and never had any “accidents”. If I can kill you with a pensil, claw hammer or screwdriver killing you with a gun that looks like a toy and worrying about that is the paramount of human stupidity. We were never allowed to point anythinf that even remotely that looked like a gun at anyone. Doing that warranted a fast trip to the woodshed. Now, does anyone know where I can get one of these to add to the family collection? Great conversation piece.
Fred Ward
“A body count”
Your missing my point. About 2 years ago Sacramento Sheriffs department briefed it’s deputies about a new gun on the street that looked just like a cell phone. That night they shot a guy because he had a cell phone in his hand.