Cyclists On A Ski Slope. What Could Go Wrong? – IOTW Report

Cyclists On A Ski Slope. What Could Go Wrong?

25 Comments on Cyclists On A Ski Slope. What Could Go Wrong?

  1. Is it impolite to laugh at stupid people doing unbelievably stupid things?

    Here it is only Jan. 8 and we already have a serious contender for the year 2024’s funniest video.

  2. More of this, please!

    I hope those morons all experienced serious pain, but that any actual injuries aren’t so serious that the sufferers don’t recover enough to get together again and make funny videos.

  3. the enormity of stupidity is beyond comprehesion.
    Without such stupidity the left could not exist.

    The right doesn’t exist because no one esouses that.
    Right wing extremism is a fairy tale.

    No one can name a right wing extremist because
    they don’t exist.

    All that you have in America are
    leftist extremist jerks
    ordinary people who refuse to believe their lies.

  4. Where did they find enough people stupid enough to try that?
    Even if they were all skiers the same thing would have happened. Too many people trying to squeeze through too small a spot.
    You can’t defy the force of gravity when you are relying on essentially ZERO coefficient of friction in order to stop.

  5. Lawyers licking their lips knowing the β€˜Cedes payment is due. (Hope the idjut that signed off on this idea has deep pockets, dreams the lawyer) The participants blessed with too little sense and too much money. Suspect most have go’pros on for their β€œinfluencer” sites.

  6. I just watched that half-hour video I posted above. I’m glad I did. It’s the Go-Pro on the winner’s helmet, and covers the entire race. It’s only snowy at the beginning, and the course rapidly devolves into dirt, gravel, and rock on its way down the mountain. Then it’s wooded mountainside except for the high speed run through the village.

    The cyclist is, I’m quite sure, not human but rather is a space alien making use of anti-gravity tech.


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