D.C. Jury Finds Sussman Not Guilty – IOTW Report

D.C. Jury Finds Sussman Not Guilty


A District of Columbia jury on Tuesday acquitted attorney Michael Sussmann on charges that he’d lied to FBI agents while tipping them off about allegations that a computer server in Donald Trump’s eponymous skyscraper was communicating with a computer belonging to a Russian bank at the height of the 2016 presidential campaign. More

30 Comments on D.C. Jury Finds Sussman Not Guilty

  1. TBH, I’m kinda relieved. Forgoing on 3 years the authorities have been telling us something we all knew was horeshit, namely that criminals within the government would get exposed and punished.

    Durham has been tangling this “justice” carrot in front of us, telling us that he is on the job, he will be the instrument that will right the wrongs and smite the wicked that not only broke laws, but caused real harm to innocent people.

    I guess it’s not our fault, we expect the good to prevail and the evildoers punished. But not in this world, maybe the next.

  2. As Sundance on the CTH has correctly observed, Barr was the Bondo and Durham the paint–the wreck is now a fully restored vehicle (if you don’t expect that there is an engine under the hood.)

  3. Don’t forget that HRC was thrown under the bus by her campaign manager and now even more people are awakening to see how corrupt the DC swamp is. Bigger fish to fry.

  4. The fix was in, and Sussmann knew it. Had there been a realistic chance that he would face hard time in a federal prison (you know, like Gen. Flynn), he probably would have sung like a canary and enabled prosecution of Hillary. This jury should NEVER have made it through selection.

  5. I’ve been suspicious of all those like Patel pushing Durham is the answer, justice is coming. It sounds like all the Q crap. Trust, do nothing, it will all work out.

  6. With Hillary donors on the jury isn’t the fix already in?

    We all knew what was going to happen just not this “in your face”.
    November 2022 is the time to start to fix all previous false corrections” imposed by commie Obama, comrade joe, soros, the WEF, WHO, the CCP, and the global corporate media to.
    Soon is the time to undo, all done in the elite’s interest and not the everyday man.
    And this revolution will be televised… by global corporate commies

  7. There is a ray of hope that exists. And that is that it has now been exposed for what it is. They may get away with it, but we know now what is going on and nothing can hide it from us any longer. The one thing that will always be front and center is the name of the exposure of our government turned against us and that name is Donald J Trump.

  8. I’m with @MJA, @Brad, and @Say what? There IS significant benefit from the trial if not the verdict.
    See my comment from two days ago.

    During the course of the trial I spoke with two people who had their minds changed about H-ROD’s involvement with setting up the bogus investigation. They refused to entertain the possibility that she’d done anything shady, much less wrong/illegal. Now they know she was at the top of it all and feel somewhat betrayed. This is good.

    Note that I’d have much preferred Sussmann’s conviction, but that would have been utterly astonishing.

  9. If you already know the ending to the story, why bother reading the book?

    I’ve lost the ability to give a shit and haven’t fallen for the “we’ve caught them red handed” bullshit for many years. Just spare me your breathless reporting.

    The swamp reigns supreme. We aren’t citizens. We are subjects.

  10. Yeah, I’m not seeing this as good at all. So a few more people figured out what we already knew, that Hillary is a duplicitous lying snake, OK, how does that fix anything?

    Trump, and by extension all of his supporters, was damaged because the lie Sussman was peddling influenced voters. How does this deter future illegal conduct by fed LE, who view this as confirmation that laws don’t apply to them? And how does this fortify the principle of justice in general, where people know they did wrong but are not held accountable?

    A guilty verdict could have convinced him to sing about others in that rat’s nest we call the FBI. Yes, Sussman was a small fish, but we could have gotten bigger fish with a different verdict.

  11. Federal prosecutors were complicit in loading the jury with Hillary donors. It allowed them to get aggressive in court but get the result everyone wanted. They may be able to appeal, based on the revelations that some jury members withheld information or outright lied in order to be accepted. I doubt any effort will be made.

    Yes, it helps to have this information out there in a court of law, however, no one is hearing about it. They will only know that he was acquitted. End of story.

    Waiting until over a year into Biden’s term for this to get to trial is the travesty.

    How many minds will be changed about Russia Collusion? About as many as changed their views on “very fine people”.

  12. @ACParker

    You changed my mind. I was just going to post that I thought John Durham did all he could to prosecute Sussman. Then reminded me that he helped pick the jury. There was no hung jury-not one conservative (if there was one) held out for the truth. THERE WAS A VERDICT!!!!!


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