D.C. Prep School To The Elites Won’t Return Bailout Loan – IOTW Report

D.C. Prep School To The Elites Won’t Return Bailout Loan

Washington Free Beacon

A $50 million endowment, a massive capital campaign in the works, and a wealthy, well-connected board—none stopped a D.C. prep school from taking one of the largest coronavirus loans issued.

Sidwell Friends School, a Quaker-affiliated independent school known for enrolling top lawmakers’ children—including the daughters of former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama—accepted a $5.2 million loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Congress’s bailout fund for small businesses affected by the coronavirus crisis.

The school, which brings in over $40 million in tuition annually, declined to give back the loan after Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin called on “private schools with significant endowments” to “return” PPP funds. In a letter to the community, the board of trustees cited its “fiduciary responsibilities” as well as “our Quaker values” in its decision to keep the money—with the latter claim particularly raising eyebrows among critics. More

12 Comments on D.C. Prep School To The Elites Won’t Return Bailout Loan

  1. As my dear old Dad used to say, “Why that’s enough to piss-off a Quaker!”

    Apparently, they’ve succumbed to the ways of the world and lust for the almighty dollar like so many others.

    But it does help to explain why the likes of the Clintons and Obamas would send their children there. Great lesson for the kids!

    “Always take whatever you can, and never worry about anyone else”…otherwise known as the psychopaths’ creed.

  2. If this is a loan then the feds start negotiating the payback terms (plus interest) the day that DC opens back up. If the Quackers want to renege on the loan then start seizing their property. I pretty sure the Dems won’t raise any disagreement.
    To be honest, the feds that organized this program f*cked up when they didn’t allow a means tests for the loans.

  3. I agree with scr_north. there should have been some sort of test. The feds were in such a hurry to help that they threw this together without thinking it through. This does not violate the letter of the law but sure as hell violates the SPIRIT of the law that was intended to help small business stay afloat. Don’t think this school has that problem.

    at least 75% of the loan is for salaries/benefits. That’s $3.9M in salaries/benefits FOR EIGHT WEEKS!!!!! That’s a lot of teachers making a lot of money. But I am sure they deserve it…..

  4. Anyone had any government agency anywhere approach you with information on where you, too, can get any FREE monies? Nobody I know of. Not even for Food Stamps, much less 50 Million Dollar repayment optional Loan ‘Programs’. Nobodies telling me anything. Other than how I OWE THEM money for taxes, insurance and Banking of America fees and things, and I better not forget it because severe interests rates will be applied followed by seizures.

    However, lots of lobbyist / endowment / grant APP writers advertising their services for lip services and document duplication in triplicate with No APPlication Fee Free IF you sign up with their representations agencies.

  5. Thou doth disappoint me.

    Ah, the quakers. The first conscientious objectors going back to at least the civil war, have lived quite comfortably under the protection of government, which now hand feeds them our confiscated money.

    No blood. Little toil. Plenty of free largesse.

    Somehow I don’t think this resembles the original mandate of the Quaker sect.

    I don’t know for sure. But that’s what it looks like.

  6. @the dolfer May 13, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    > The feds were in such a hurry to help that they threw this together without thinking it through.

    Oh, yeah. Tax cuts for billionaires. Free money — from the government — to businesses that are still allowed — by the government — to operate. And jillions and jillions of pages — that you have to vote for, before you can read them.

    An accident. Never happened before. Won’t ever happen again.

    (to paraphrase John Belushi)
    You lika de crumbs?

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