D.C. Will Delay Enforcing Vaccination Mandate Due the Potential For Empty Classrooms – IOTW Report

D.C. Will Delay Enforcing Vaccination Mandate Due the Potential For Empty Classrooms

PJM: If you think school closures are a thing of the past, think again. The Washington, D.C., school system adopted a vaccine mandate for COVID-19, as well as other diseases, known as “no shots, no school.” That means not only barring students from on-site instruction but not offering alternative online home instruction.

The city council and health bureaucrats were very proud of themselves. “None of this was ever meant to be punitive,” one council member told DC List. “It was always about, how do we protect the school community enough to keep kids in school.”

“Enough to keep kids in school”? Obviously, no one on the city council called across town to check with the CDC about their new guidelines that say school closings should only be considered in extreme circumstances.

Regardless, there was another small problem with forcing kids to get jabbed in order to attend school: about 40% of black kids don’t have a COVID shot. more here

10 Comments on D.C. Will Delay Enforcing Vaccination Mandate Due the Potential For Empty Classrooms

  1. And I’ll bet they will either drop this prior to the go live next year or it will be stopped in court. In the meantime they hope that get more jabs into kids arms.

  2. Demonrats are to stupid to govern over anyone but other stupid people. When their stupid priorities conflict they just run around in panic. To ignorant to forecast the fallout from their imbecilic one size fits all Marxist mentality.

    DC is a microcosm of the US right now. Retarded children run both systems.

    They are insufferable to anyone with a iota of intellect.

    Here let me emulate Fucktard Son of Fuckface to illustrate their faux 8ntelligence:

    The DC canoe floats north with the starboard paddle but south if the port paddle is orange. Shots at dawn occur only to the blindfolded mice or those without arms who cannot shoot themselves.

    A metaphor is merely a twisted allegory of a disapated euphemism using a corollary as an adjunct to logic.

    See how wicked smat I am?

    Pinkos are idiots…

  3. They will delay it indefinitely because to do otherwise would be to show the world that the worthless filth in DC has completely lost the faith of their country. They’re gonna playact like people not taking the mRNA poison is, somehow, people following a fed recommendation when, in fact, nobody will take that shit now no matter what the fucking feds say. If the try another mandate, they’ll have a mass revolt on their hands, and they don’t have the means to force anyone beyond the usual random lawfare torture of some poor schmuck who gets used as an example to scare everyone. It’s a tired old game, and people are seeing thru it.

  4. About that “covid vaccine” thing: All these entities which promote vigorously this vaxx and others get filthy rich by receiving federal funds if an “emergency” is declared (think Kickback Kathy Hochul, schools, et al) with none of those funds going to the people these entities are claiming to “protect”. If anyone is injured then these entities, including medical instutions and doctors, are fully indemnified with absolutely no consequences for their money-grubbing, egregious, nefarious acts which allows them to continue duping people. The scheme-scam is a massive, widespread organized complex and system which all miscreants agree with one another to push ahead with their criminal conduct. Sad fact is that much of the non-alert, unaware, and gullible citizenry are so weary and confused they’re unable to hold accountable those responsible. Each time there is some “threat” of an emerging disease anywhere, it’s quickly pounced upon and developed by Fauci, Biden, Gates, the Rockefella Foundation, CDC, NIH, HHS, Wellcome Trust et al to give the same fast and yugely continuous droning response of ‘vaccines” and ‘deployment’, whether the ’emergence’ is real or not (think 2022 fall flu, monkeypox, polio, variants etc). Add that each time, especially in the past 2+ years with the Joe Biden Criminal Cartel assaulting the people, new ’emergencies’ are falsely discovered and promoted by these fiends, citizenry forgets all about the previous and wrong scam-sham. To be aware is to be (stay) alive.

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