Dad In Hot Water For Wiffle-Batting Goose – IOTW Report

Dad In Hot Water For Wiffle-Batting Goose

Fox-INDIANAPOLIS- A local dad is crying “fowl” after he says he got a ticket for protecting his son from an aggressive goose. But county law enforcement says he went too far.

James McDaniel says he did what any parent would do if an aggressive animal was attacking their child. He admits to hitting a Canada goose with a plastic Wiffle ball bat after he says the bird started chasing his 4-year-old son, Ethan.

“A goose actually came from the other side of the field… and proceeded to go full wing span and chase after my son,” said McDaniel.

He says he grabbed the only thing around: his son’s plastic bat.

“So I swing one time, he [the goose] kind of topples over, I grab my son… and I ran across the street,” said McDaniel.

And that swing, it seems, got feathers flying after a witness called police.

“It was clearly attacking my son,” said McDaniel, “if anyone else had seen the whole incident, they would have known I was trying to protect my son.”

Marion County Animal Services showed up and issued McDaniel a ticket for animal cruelty. The agency was unable to comment on the case because of pending litigation, but according to the incident report witnesses say they saw McDaniel hit the bird three times.  The report also states the officer did take the goose to a local veterinarian. McDaniel maintains that he was only protecting his child.


ht/ Meerkat

22 Comments on Dad In Hot Water For Wiffle-Batting Goose

  1. A good county animal services guy would have never written the ticket.
    A good State’s Attorney would have dropped the case.
    A good Judge would find him harmless and not try the case.

    Seeing how all three are revenue enhancing business for the County, this guy will get Plucked.
    “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

    This County Animal services was about to identify intent, where Comey with mountain of evidence showing a breach of National security couldn’t.

    Trump should interview the animal services guy for the Director of the FBI.

  2. When I was 5, I got chased by a whole swarm of geese. I hate those MFer’s more than Piss Mathews. Now, a Christmas goose on the table is quite nice, when prepared properly.

  3. My dad kept geese around the garden just for
    Them sum bitches can be mean and we got chased
    more than a few times. The hissing noise they emit
    is terrifying to a ten year old. Trust me. A wiffle
    bat is being nice. I’da preferred an aluminum
    softball bat.

  4. He goes to court on Monday…so it will be asked, “Why did you hit the goose three times?”

    My answer would be, “Your Honor, I hit him once and asked if if it wanted me to stop, please back off. The goose continued, so I hit it again. And again I asked the goose, “if you would like to end this, please back away”.
    So I swatcked it extra hard the third time and then it backed off. At the time I tried to be very fair, diplomatic, and, of course, I am sure you can appreciate, judgemental, your honor.

  5. I’m a HUGE Chesapeake Bay fan. The bench mark of that breed is a dog named Dwindling Stacked Deck. A Master Hunter. Old Butch took that dog out at 13 years old on the Snake a winged a goose. In fast current the battle lasted over 30 minutes. That mutt swam that goose back up stream bloodied and delivered him to his owner. What balls, what comitment.

  6. I own 3 geese: Pete, Huey, and Daisy.
    They can have their moments.

    But – and it’s a big but – regardless of your “feelings” about geese, they are wild animals and if they attack your progeny (or you), you SHOULD KILL them.
    That isn’t “cruelty” – it’s common sense (which ain’t so common, anymore).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. What a liberal snowflake this idiot must be. I’d like permission to take his wiffle bat and beat the crap out of this idiot and his son for being afraid of a goose.

  8. Ranger76, I don’t recall reading anything that indicated the father was afraid of the goose. He obviously ran across the street with his 4-year-old to get him away from the stupid bird. The kid was 4 years old! Geese are big and nasty. They like to sneak up from behind. I know, I live in MN (sorry to say) and we’ve got tons of them here. They’re very aggressive and crap all over the place. The “witnesses” need to get a life. A wiffle bat will get the bird to leave without seriously injuring it. Funny how you want to beat the kid now. You must be just a gas at home.

  9. Well I’m no Marlon Perkins, nor am I a bird expert. (I did have a couple of parakeets when I was a kid.) Here’s my Wild Goose story.

    I was sitting on a park bench near L. Tahoe one morning having a cup of coffee. A dozen or so Canadian honkers landed nearby and started rummaging around. The sentinel noticed me sitting there and waddled up for a closer look. I remained motionless as he got within a couple feet and peered at me curiously.
    We were literally eye to eye for a minute or two. When seen up close like that, these honkers are pretty impressive.
    After a while he ruffled his feathers and with an occasional backward glance, returned to his buddies.
    An interesting encounter. I didn’t feel threatened, but I reckon they would scare the shit out of a small child if chased aggressively. Nobody expects a bird to try to kill them- most birds will avoid contact with humans.

    A side note: Winston Churchill had an ill-tempered goose on his estate; staff and family gave it a wide berth.

  10. Another side note: There is some interesting bird lore in “The Once and Future King” by TH White. References there to geese, falcons/falconry, and owls. Also hedgepigs, hounds, badgers, ants, and a unicorn. (And two species of Questin’ Beast.) One unlucky cat.

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