Dad Leaves His 10 Year-Old Daughter in Mojave Desert as Punishment – IOTW Report

Dad Leaves His 10 Year-Old Daughter in Mojave Desert as Punishment

The father and daughter had a fight over a pen.

Yes, a PEN.

So he drove his daughter into the desert and left her there without shoes.

A passerby found her on the road, crying.


26 Comments on Dad Leaves His 10 Year-Old Daughter in Mojave Desert as Punishment

  1. I know a place, about 40 miles north of White Sands Missile Range, I’d like to drop ‘dad’ off. Naked. In August.

    I raised a lovely daughter. I love my kid. Always have, since I danced with her to the nursery from the delivery room. Just don’t understand how a guy (won’t say man) could do that to his girl child.

    BTW, for my extended family here, my daughter is giving me a second grandchild in February. Woo Hoo!

  2. 💥 How does felony child abuse help anybody? 💥

    *Inability to ever work again
    *Lost income / job
    *Perhaps lost home/vehicle to repo
    *Lost father
    *Foster care

    Gee, thanks for “rescuing” the family. Now they can all live in a cardboard box together.

    I appears he was only going to scare her, not leave her there permanently. He came back, she was crying, so what? Barefoot. So what?

    No gun ownership, no voting rights, no passport, no job. Why not just go back to 16th Century EXILE since that’s basically what this turns out to be anyway.

  3. They used to hang horse thieves because being stranded without one was a death sentence.
    Did dad think it impossible something could happen to him in his 15 minute temper tantrum absence?

  4. Super Patriot,
    How does it help anybody? A charge of Felony Child Abuse is intended to help a child.
    Child abuse is a crime that has consequences.
    The father is grossly out of control. Are you saying you would choose to let him continue abusing a 10 year old girl? You don’t ‘teach’ a child anything by being cruel.
    So what’s your method to help the child? Talk to dad over coffee? Abusers get more abusive when caught. They do not reform they escalate.

  5. OMG. That girl is so lucky she was picked up by a Good Samaritan. Can you imagine what could have happened to her? Also, where is her mother? I can’t see how this won’t scar that little girl for life.

  6. Oh please.

    If she’da been killed in utero, we’da never heard about her.

    Why are there temporal constraints on abortion? 3 months; 6 months; partial-birth; post-partum; 16 year retro-active?

    I guess there are consolations in there, somewhere.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Super Patriot”, when they located the dad he was drunk and asleep. Think he was just going to run right back and get her? Not likely. Good thing someone found her. What do you imagine should happen now?

  8. He is a hard line azz ole. He should be strung up by the arms and horse whipped until his back is like hamburger. Then tell him this was for fun, if you ever risk your girl’s life again, we won’t stop until you are dead. All your rights are forfeit by your own behavior.

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