Dad Reflexes Versus Mom Reflexes – Round 1 – IOTW Report

Dad Reflexes Versus Mom Reflexes – Round 1

I say round one because I’m sure I can find 2 other clips that show the reverse.

But I have these-

Clip one 

Clip two

13 Comments on Dad Reflexes Versus Mom Reflexes – Round 1

  1. That’s pretty good, we’ve probably all experienced a version of that. It just wasn’t caught on video. As far as the Stanley Cup goes, stinking Washington. Anyone from DC I root against.


  2. Theory.
    Because boys and men throw random balls and tools at each other and say “think fast” from the time we are Utes. If you don’t catch it you end up with a goose egg on your forehead.
    I can toss a set of keys to Mrs Frank with full preparation and she can’t catch them 90% of the time.

  3. Not wanting to take sides and not be politically correct I hereby award both mom and dad participation trophies as well as the toddlers that were totally clueless as to what was going on.
    Fairness to all, equal in all ways, except for perhaps one category.
    The woman had better cleavage.


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