Daily Beast Noticed Bill Clinton Lying about his Epstein Problems – IOTW Report

Daily Beast Noticed Bill Clinton Lying about his Epstein Problems

A deception so dishonest and evil even “The Daily Beast” couldn’t take another load from Former President Bill Clinton about his long and suspicious history with Jeffery Epstein.

While this certainly won’t secure them a Pulitzer, at least they’ll be able to live with themselves for actually printing something other than leftist drivel. More

8 Comments on Daily Beast Noticed Bill Clinton Lying about his Epstein Problems

  1. Imagine that.
    That weird “temple” on the hill creeps me out…
    With elevator shaft and side cave entrance
    down below at the base of the hill.
    You can see it on utube.

  2. Bill Clinton spent his entire time in public polishing his skirt chasing credentials by trying to boff anyone within reach. Now we’re supposed to believe that against all evidence he conducted himself like a pious and unassuming married man?

  3. Bill has dying ahead of him too.
    His problem is that the longer he lives, denying what everyone knows about him, that he is trailer park trash that won the lottery, his manufactured image dissolves completely into mushy kaka.
    Faked birthplace, fake marriage, fake daughter, fake patriotism….

    When my son was 8, we would raise our hands to make an “L” sign, when we’d catch someone littering on the lake or waking other fishermen or otherwise behaving as assholes consistently do.

    Bubba should be known to history only as the LOSER who despite being annointed POTUS, instead rolled on the floor under his desk with a slow-witted chubby fangirl. Big man.


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