Daily Caller and Citizens United Suing For A Ton Of Records From The DOJ’s FISA Abuse Report – IOTW Report

Daily Caller and Citizens United Suing For A Ton Of Records From The DOJ’s FISA Abuse Report

  • The Daily Caller News Foundation and Citizens United are suing the Justice Department and its inspector general for documents from the FISA abuse report.
  • The lawsuit seeks the DOJ inspector general’s records from interviews with 27 individuals during its investigation of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe.
  • James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch and Christopher Steele and dozens more were interviewed for the investigation, which found the FBI provided inaccurate information to the FISA Court in order to surveil Carter Page.  more

7 Comments on Daily Caller and Citizens United Suing For A Ton Of Records From The DOJ’s FISA Abuse Report

  1. It’s about time that Bob Mueller
    is indicted, put on trial,
    convicted, sentenced, and
    gone to prison for what
    he knowingly has done to people
    he knew were totally innocent.

    He fried them anyway, even drew some into
    bankruptcy although he knew they were

    This is the kind of pig
    Bob Mueller is.

    He should be disbarred !

    He should be indicted !

    He should be tried and convicted !

    And spend the rest of his life in prison .

  2. When will we learn how many American citizens were illegally surveilled by the misuse of the FISA Court Warrants? Operation Crossfire Hurricane wasn’t just surveilling Carter Page, it was spying on everyone he had any contact with during this entire time. They must number in the hundreds. That was the purpose of setting him up in the first place.

  3. The DOJ and FBI are now trash, right up there with Third World Trash. We no longer have to worry about Russia or China attacking us, we are being attacked from within and most of our “Leaders” are just closing their eyes to it.

  4. Deplorable Second Class
    APRIL 15, 2020 AT 6:39 AM
    “…we are being attacked from within and most of our “Leaders” are just closing their eyes to it.”

    …most of our “leaders”, ALL of them on the Dem side and MANY of them on the R side, are IN on it…

    …because they expect to rule the ruins.

    …socialism’s a GREAT deal, when you’re in CHARGE of it…



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