Dallas About to Experience an Outbreak of Monkey Pox – IOTW Report

Dallas About to Experience an Outbreak of Monkey Pox


The Dallas County health department has reported its first locally transmitted case of the monkeypox virus after a man who attended the Daddyland Festival tested positive. More

The Daddlyand Festival is described as follows

Six days of dance parties, pool party, outdoor tea dance at Dallas’s best venues featuring an amazing international DJ lineup. Weekend passes are the best way to experience Daddyland for the lowest price. Tickets to individual events will be available closer to the event. Weekend pass is only for 7 parties listed. 2 afterhours events and 1 outdoor hotel pool party will be separate charge due to capacity limits! Tickets for those are available now. Buy them before they sell out.


27 Comments on Dallas About to Experience an Outbreak of Monkey Pox

  1. “Daddyland” Festival……Shouldn’t that be more properly named “Faggotland” Festival? Butt wait! There’s more! “……featuring an amazing international DJ lineup.” (emphasis on the “international”)

  2. …but the government will ONLY mandate changes in behavior if it’s a political virus for the purposes of stealing elections.

    Otherwise, go fuck each other.


  3. Not to mention

    HIV (at least once a year);
    Hepatitis B;
    Hepatitis C if you were born between 1945 to 1965 or with risk behaviors (see “how is hepatitis C spread“);
    Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the rectum if you’ve had receptive anal sex or been a “bottom” in the past year;
    Chlamydia and gonorrhea of the penis (urethra) if you have had insertive anal sex (been on the “top”) or received oral sex in the past year; and
    Gonorrhea of the throat if you’ve given oral sex (your mouth on your partner’s penis, vagina, or anus) in the past year.

  4. Those of us old enough to remember the early years of AIDS/HIV, remember that they tried to convince us it was not just a homosexual disease, but anyone could get it. But now, 35 years later, yeah, it’s pretty much only gays that get it. Now they are trying to convince us of the same thing about Monkey Pox.

  5. There was a write up on the alleged first guy that got ‘Monkeypox’ in the US when this started. Gay man, lived with a couple guys and a cat, had a history of multiple sexual diseases over a decade and just returned from Canada where he had unprotected sex with several men. Gee we will never understand why this is happening.

  6. These outbreaks of monkeypox in gay communities, even though they know this disease is around tells you all you need to known about these people

    They simply have a disorder in their souls. They are totally lacking in self control. Even the most degenerate heterosexuals dont engage in orgies when they know a dangerous STD is floating around.

  7. There is nothing, not even threat of death, that will get the homosexuals to stop their hedonistic lifestyle for even one day. If AIDS couldn’t stop them, then Monkey Pox sure won’t.

  8. @Cmn¢¢guy: First thought in my head when I saw the pics to the link you posted, right there is Sodom and Gomorrah, and God is going to destroy every single one of them, along with all who promoted it. Is there a Lott among them? Highly unlikely.

  9. @ JD JULY 8, 2022 AT 2:51 PM

    You know WAY too much about this subject.

    Just sayin’.

    Thanks to the link from Cmn¢¢guy, that shindig wasn’t in Dallas. The Colony isn’t even in Dallas county, which is quite large.

    Way to go journalism! Lying all the time, every time. At least we can trust that much about you.

  10. Romans 1:26-27
    King James Version

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.


    In other words, They’re getting what they deserve. They asked for it, they’re getting it.

  11. On my mother’s side of the family, I have multiple cousins who are all gay men. Their choice, I could care less on how they want to live their lives. That being said, not all, but many gay men are some of the most dangerous & depraved people on the planet.Yet, they always seem to wonder why the exotic diseases always seem to affect them the most. Gosh, I wonder why?


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