Dallas Shooter – Black Power – IOTW Report

Dallas Shooter – Black Power


The man who shot 12 police officers, killing five, at a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Dallas on Thursday night has been named as Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old Army reservist with no criminal history or ties to terror groups.

Johnson, from Mesquite, Texas, a 20 minute drive from Dallas, reportedly told law enforcement that he was a veteran, and claimed to have acted alone, countering reports that as many as four gunmen were involved in the massacre.


‘The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings of black suspects. He said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,’ Dallas Police Chief David Brown revealed at a 7:30am press conference.

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Around 11pm on Thursday, cops cornered Johnson at El Centro College and attempted to negotiate, but four hours later the talks failed and a robot was brought in to detonate a bomb and kill the suspect. This was after shots had rung out at a previously peaceful protest in downtown Dallas with demonstrators screaming and running for their lives as cops dropped dead one by one.

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Above, the moment a brave officer confronted a gunman. In the still above, the officer (right) is seen trying to duck for cover behind a cement post. However, the gunman takes the officer down and is seen pumping another shot into his dead body before fleeing the scene.

A black SUV found at the scene of the shootings was listed as registered to Delphene Johnson, also of Mesquite, who is understood to be his mother. Police gathered at the address of Ms Johnson late Friday morning.

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Johnson appears to have lived with his mother Delphene, since police were conducting a major search at the property on Friday. Johnson’s father James (right) remarried a white woman, Dallas teacher Donna. (left)

All five cops killed were men and three have been identified so far as 43-year-old DART Officer Brent Thompson,  young father Patrick Zamarripa and Michigan native Michael Krol.

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27 Comments on Dallas Shooter – Black Power

  1. It sounds as though if he was upset at BLM it was because they weren’t radical enough. Didn’t he realize the BLM is just a scheme to get power and money for the top few? On the other hand maybe he did realize this but wanted to kill whitey anyway. Regardless the state of Texas better hang on to this guy and not let the feds take him. Hope the big lug is getting his mind around being strapped down, helpless when the needle slips in.

  2. I originally enlisted in 1992, and started basic training in July, at Ft Lost-in-the-Woods.

    I remember one of the very first days we were there, our entire company (all-male, in those days) was in a theatre, getting lectured to and whatnot by our company commander, and whoever else.

    Specifically, our Senior Drill Sergeant – Sergeant First Class Mace.

    One of the things he said, I remember word-for-word, and always will:

    “From now on, there ain’t no such thing as a white punk motherfucker, ain’t no such thing as a black punk motherfucker, ain’t no such thing as a brown punk motherfucker, ain’t no such thing as a yellow punk motherfucker. From now on, all of you are just a bunch of punk motherfuckers, and you’re all GREEN”

    It’s been a long time since then, and now days I wear Captain’s bars. But I will always remember that, and I’m very disappointed that such lessons are obviously no longer taught.

  3. “…those that knew him know that this wasn’t like him.”

    Oh bullshit. He did it; he shot 14 people and killed five of them. This was exactly like him.

    This stupid broad must be a ghetto public school product.

  4. “…those that knew him know this wasn’t like him.” Wait…Wha?

    I know, I know, he was such a great neighbor…a quiet man who loved his mother…a big heart…always ready to help…blahblahblah.

    “Mom, I’m gonna borrow your car tonight, mmmk?”

    Fuck this motherfucker. He was upset. Boofuckinghoo. I’m upset too, guess I’ll start murdering innocent people and that’ll make it all better, right?

  5. This is the dead guy blown up by the police robot?
    Is the ‘Lone Wolf’ the narrative they’re told to push?
    It’s getting hard to keep up these days….

  6. Watch, they’re going to blame his mother because she didn’t integrate him into black society, blah blah blah yakkety schmakkety.
    That man is an insane lefty, racist, piece of shit. Those come in all colors.

  7. I wonder if this dude was contacted by someone and ‘recruited’ for this
    That’s what I would look for. Any calls from DC?
    Kinda like how the Muslims have their people in country and waiting for orders.
    I long was this in the planning mode?
    Think about everything you would need to pull this off.
    Correct gun
    Going to the range to site it in.
    Correct ammo?
    Learning where to go and when to go.
    Didn’t anyone notice a guy with a rifle?
    How did he get to the location did someone drop him off?
    When I go hunting for game it takes weeks to get ready
    I keep a running checklist.
    Did he have one?

  8. Just Sayen

    This guy did more than just go to the range. Watch that video. He transitions from left to right with the gun. Over runs his victim. This guy was a pro.

  9. another dindu nuffin……screw that crap..he was a racist, bigot, coward and cold blood thirsty murderous thug and I for one am glad they blew his dumb black A$$ up…..was not like him, STFU



  11. I agree with your assessment Brad….the guy had special training. If not in the military
    Did they mention the distance he shot from?
    They need to shut the area down before and after a BLM gathering.
    Lock it up tight like the pres is in town.
    A pro would mean he does this for a living and gets paid.
    Check bank accounts

  12. The ‘investigation’ will go about as far as the one into LaVoy Finicum’s murder. We’re already having to suffer through grandiose speechifying by mayors, a president, and every other kind of ‘thought leader’ — most of it clap trap.

    I suppose they also blew up his phone.

    Did anyone else read the piece at Oath Keepers? https://www.oathkeepers.org/navyjack-hacked-messages-discuss-the-plan-for-a-black-lives-matter-summer-of-chaos-leading-to-martial-law/

    I am at a point where I believe nothing coming out of any official organ of the state. After Comey, who can blame me?

  13. @snowflakes…wow! The stupid burns in the comments….so many people completely oblivious of both reality and so beholden to “the narrative” that they can’t escape the “event horizon” of their progressive singularity.

  14. Read on another site he was sent back from Afghanistan before his tour of duty was over. He likely did something evil or stupid to get sent home early and I am guessing he was discharged with and “other than honorable” papers. No doubt blames “whitey” for his stupid actions.

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