Dame Edna Comedian, Barry Humphries to Receive State Funeral Despite Trans-Trashing – IOTW Report

Dame Edna Comedian, Barry Humphries to Receive State Funeral Despite Trans-Trashing

The famed Australian comedian, Barry Humphries, better known as Dame Edna, died on April 22nd from complications after hip surgery. He was 89-years-old. Here

Humphries home country has announced they will honor their beloved funny man with a state funeral. Here

This despite condemnation of Humphries by vocal members of the trans-community, because they can’t take being laughed at for their sincerely stupid beliefs. Here

h/t Bearing who comes to Humphries defense adding much needed truth and context to counter the outrage mob.

9 Comments on Dame Edna Comedian, Barry Humphries to Receive State Funeral Despite Trans-Trashing

  1. Never heard of him. The article did say he was “married four times” and has children. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, trannies are mad at him, so maybe it was just a comedic thing for him

  2. Dunno. Limeys, Krauts, and other fruitcakes seem to like wearing high heels and skirts for a laugh. I find it perverse at best, and at worse perverse.

    Monty Python could pull it off (haa!), but it was still fucked up.

  3. Oops. I fucked that up. At worst.

    But that’s centered around the orifice of the colonic track, I mean today is yesterday’s tract. The entire circumference of the concept of the orbital earth is, indeed, day and night. And tomorrow will be to-day’s tomorrow, and we have to fugit the tempus. Bootstraps. And shit, yo!

  4. He was pretty funny.
    He dressed up for laughs. Not like today with the guys who think they can live as women.
    Today the trannies wear more outrageous makeup and clothing like grotesque clowns and gyrate around a stage like they’re in a porn movie. They try to groom children cuz so many of them are pedos.

  5. Monty Python called it “pantomime,” always taking it over the top for comedic effect, and it works when taken for a laugh.

    Dylan Mulvaney is a mimic and a lot of others of his ilk are eunuchs, which isn’t funny at all. Imagine hating your own genitalia to the point of having them removed. I shutter at the thought.

  6. Flip Wilson cracked me up when he did his female b lack character we r named Geraldine. Did he do it to make us laugh at what he perceived as stupid black females? Dunno, it made me laugh. I don’t think they are serious about becoming a female or believing they are one. The trannies annoyed know this.


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