Damn, we missed an anniversary yesterday – IOTW Report

Damn, we missed an anniversary yesterday

it was the 49th anniversary of THIS—>

ht/ joe6pak

Whales blow up on their own. No dynamite needed. This video is GROSS.

34 Comments on Damn, we missed an anniversary yesterday

  1. How would you like to be one of those poor people that had rotten whale meat raining down on you? And did you see the car with the passenger compartment flattened by a big piece, from a quarter mile away. Next year is the 50th anniversary, I wonder what they might do to celebrate.

  2. Insurance adjuster – “What did you say crushed the roof of your car?”
    Dude = “Flying whale blubber”.
    Insurance adjuster – “Flying whale blubber is not covered by your policy. You should have purchased the premium policy, which covers flying blubber, regardless of origin…”

  3. FYI, this type of stuff is going to disappear from YouTube, in accordance with YouTube’s bullshit monetization and community guidelines. Paraphrasing, you can’t repost someone else’s work in whole or part for compilation. I love watching compilations and one by one every single one is falling off to the abyss. 300+ YT channels I’m subscribed to and every single day the content becomes less and less and less….. You make the bed, YouTube shits in it.

  4. @Lazlo The Elder,

    My Bernese Mtn. Dog, Bingley, would have rolled in the blubber for good measure! He dug up a buried seal on our beach, wolfed down a couple of chunks and rolled in it before I could stop him! Stinko!!!

  5. @conservative cowgirl

    A beautiful Golden Retriever caught a whiff of a carcass which was between the rails of the railroad track that we were operating on. It was totally engrossed with wallowing all over that carcass. That was the last thing he did before becoming a carcass himself.

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