Dan Bongino Leaving  FOX – IOTW Report

Dan Bongino Leaving  FOX

Daily Caller: Fox News is parting ways with host Dan Bongino.

Bongino, who hosts “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino” on Saturday nights and “Canceled in the USA” on Fox Nation, is departing the outlet after failing to come to an agreement to extend his contract, Forbes reported.

Bongino said on his podcast the decision was “tough” but “we couldn’t come to terms on an extension.”

“It’s a sad day,” he reportedly added, saying he declined to do a final episode of his show. “The most important events in my life I learned about on Fox News.” MORE

39 Comments on Dan Bongino Leaving  FOX

  1. Unless you are making boatloads of money, there is no reason to stay at a network that seems to be circling the drain. And this might be the best thing that could happen to Newsmax.

    OT; All charges against Alex Baldwin for the Rust shooting have been dropped.

    ht tps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/charges-dropped-against-alec-baldwin-in-fatal-rust-shooting-sources/ar-AA1a7rFU

    I’m speechless.

  2. The most important lesson about Life are learned about by watching Money Grubbers on Fox.

    Look at Geraldo. You want to turn out like that?

    Hope Tucker, Jesse Watters and Tyrus make it out OK.
    Could care less about the rest of them.

  3. RE: Baldwin

    It was posted here a long ways back
    He would never spend a day in Jail
    They would do anything to prevent it
    And They did

    Hollywood and NBC Media are Pure EVIL LIVE

  4. I hope Bongino doesn’t end up like Chris Wallace. Bongino is on Rumble if I want to watch him there. The media is getting what they deserve – ALL OF THEM Fox included. Geraldo? Sorry excuse for a human being.

  5. Loco, Alan Dershowitz agrees with you. I read an article this morning in The Spectator where Alan admitted he was absolutely shocked that Fox settled and for such a high amount. It was his opinion that Fox had a great case and would either win on the verdict or on appeal but worst case scenario, the verdict would not have been anywhere close to what Fox settled for.

    The logical inference here is that Fox had some huge skeletons that they did not want revealed. A pretty high price to pay to keep your dirty laundry outside of the public eye.

    He also brought up the First Amendment and how this settlement weakened it. This will result in self-censorship by other media companies, chilled at the open door is presents for future lawsuits.

  6. Rich, Fox definitely weighed the risk/reward of paying it out.
    The 800 pound gorilla in the room these days is getting a fair trial.
    That changes the balance entirely.

    1.6 billion plus legal fees, lawyer fees, months of damaged reputation, etc.
    vs 787 million.
    Anyway, how many people today on the street know a damn thing about Dominion vs Fox?
    Fox will go on being #1 in cable news.
    Dominion will likely fold and become a new corporation in an attempt to leave the stench of fraud behind them.

    I do have a great new name for them I should go ahead and copyright…

    The Kraken


  7. Rich/LBS,

    Fox should have been more careful:

    1) They ran their mouths and didn’t use the word ALLEGEDLY enough.
    2) Complete capitulation.
    3) Accepting a loss like this WITHOUT any resistance makes then look like ASSES.
    4) They did declare a DemoCrap win 2 years ago. Made me sick.
    5) Where is their journalistic integrity if they RAN their mouths without careful consideration & checking with their Legal team ON RETAINER.

    There are VERY FEW HEROES on TV, and if you give them enough money even Tucker (although I like him), will bend over. He’s an INSIDE OFFICE GUY. They can’t handle the SHIT! They don’t like sweat, bugs, physical labour, dirt, grease, and most probably couldn’t blast a dozen 12 Ga. slugs from a pump gun without whining for 3 days. Golf is roughing it for them.

    Cheers. I have been away for a while, watching a lot of George Straight & Allan Jackson. (don’t know why)

    Frankly, Russel Brand has been resonating with me, yet I just made a 2″ steak on Charcoal for dinner????

  8. Kcir,
    “complete capitulation?”
    They didn’t apologize publicly, they didn’t admit wrongdoing, so no to that.

    No resistance? Nigga please.
    They were fucking up with the judge in the preliminary procedures and he admonished the fuck out of them.

    They “declared a democrat win.”
    Um, help me out here, who the fuck is in the White House and did Fox put him there? Something about an electoral college we have down here, mate…

    “Journalist integrity”???
    Have you ever watched any of the news networks?

  9. “What conspiracy?
    Brad, your self awareness is unimpeachable.
    Don’t ever change.\

    That’s a non answer faggot. God I want to meet yo two in person. You guys are not from my world.

  10. My worlds dirty hands, clean money. Which reminds me, get off the fed money and go get a job asshole. And don’t even type you’re employed. Your fucking limp dick is here 24/7.

  11. “I doubt you could keep up with me physically Brad.
    I know damn well you can’t mentally and never will.”

    You’re a fat drunk that never trains. How do I know? You never leave your fucking key board for more than ten minutes. The same reason I know you’re unemployed. You’re a legend in your own mind. Which I could give a shit less about until you start trying to intimidate commenters/readers here into agreeing with your worthless political views. There’s plenty of other peeps here that are done with Trump. And I get that and I respect their point of view. Even though I may disagree with it. But you two idiots are something different. And I’ll fight your dumb asses tooth and nail. Kinda shocked that the CEO of this place hasn’t caught on.

  12. You aren’t very good at math are you Brad?
    There are 24 hours in a day.
    If you can, multiply that by 60, as in minutes.
    You are correct that I do not spend hours every fucking day laboring in the gym like you.
    Why? Because when I go, I go to kick my ass and not lollygag around.
    I am efficient.
    I can lift heavy and run marathons.
    You’re still jealous that I have a six-pack, admit it.

  13. “Kinda shocked that the CEO of this place hasn’t caught on.”

    And how exactly is he supposed to save you from embarrassing yourself? Maybe the onus is on you to write smarter comments and not be such a bully.

  14. “And how exactly is he supposed to save you from embarrassing yourself?”

    I could ask the same question of you. You pray at the alter of a Governor of a state that just went through a disaster. And where was your God, your Idol? Campaigning in another state. Trump was right, again. He should have has his ass home taking care of BIZ.
    Come on Richie Rich, Tee another one up dumb shit.

  15. I do so love this standard going forward.
    Any & every single problem lands at the feet of the guy at the top.
    They must go to the site and do the physical labor in person.
    They can’t delegate to the literal THOUSANDS of motherfuckers that work in government under them.

    Of course some leaders absolutely SUCK at delegating.
    Some, ahem, will allow a lifelong bureaucrat like Tony Fauci take over their entire fucking presidency.

    *So good, it bears repeating and is very applicable to the above comment…

  16. “Drain the swamp”
    “Lock her up”
    “Build the wall”
    Love those accomplishments!

    Thing is, 0.00018 Femto-seconds after biden* took office nearly 100% of Trump’s actual accomplishments were rescinded.
    The Supreme Court & no wars was worthwhile but the rest was a trainwreck.
    He should have pulled out of Afghanistan properly but he didn’t have the balls to override the faggots.
    He should have pardoned others than fucking rappers.

    In hindsight, it seems the buck only to a brief respite during his lone term.

  17. Revolver is reporting that all the other news organizations have banded together to put pressure on the WH to exclude Fox reporters from WH briefings because they are not a real news organization and lack “journalistic integrity” as evidenced by the Dominion defamation settlement.


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