Dan Crenshaw Says Election Was On the Up and Up – IOTW Report

Dan Crenshaw Says Election Was On the Up and Up

52 Comments on Dan Crenshaw Says Election Was On the Up and Up

  1. He misses the point: we are supposedly a free and open society, and if there is indicia of voter fraud, it should be investigated. It is possible that there was not enough voter fraud to change the results, but that can only be determined by an audit.

    This is an issue which has been raised by millions of Americans – enough Americans that social media has elected to blatantly censor any claims of voter fraud on their platforms. If the government wants to be taken seriously in the future, they need to allow these audits to happen; although I don’t think that government officials really care what common citizens think.

  2. A disgrace to the uniform I wore in the 70’s.almost like when i came home hippies spat at me. But i forgave them and Him because I’m commanded to,and I answer to the Lord now and later. God have grace on us all.

  3. Goodie for Dan.
    It doesn’t change what I saw, one iota.

    This just makes him one of ‘them’. If the entire world becomes thems, I’ll just stick to myself until the end.

  4. Hey Anonymous @ 12:34
    Ever hear “10,000 Frenchmen could still be wrong” ?
    Or, as my father would say, if they tell you to jump off a bridge would you do it?

    That anonymous is dead now.

  5. Bobby Piton for US Senate. OMG! I doubt he can be on camera more than 10 minutes without foaming at the mouth. ‘The missing family names! Family names from Tennessee have been replaced by names from Alabama! Have a family reunion see how many names are missing!’

    He has valuable input, he is brilliant, he is a Christian. The election fraud algorithm was his discovery. (Not Dr Frank’s)

  6. We can’t ask questions and we can’t audit because there is no need—it was the most secure election in the history of the Republic. The political science is settled, you filthy, disgusting proles. /s

  7. Dan has always been a Ronny hating BUSH REPUBLICAN. GWB has said the same thing dozens of times the last 9 months. Dan follows GWB’s lead! My favorite breakfast for 40 years was named after Dan’s role model.

  8. For months we’ve seen new evidence about every week that the election was rife with numerous methods of fraud in numerous locations and keep finding more!
    They found about 3 million fraudulent votes in the 2016 election, which in my mind probably means about 6 million fraudulent votes. This time around the number looks like 8 millions fraudulent votes which means there’s a lot more they didn’t see, but the real point is that they ramped up the fraud big time exactly like we knew they would, so the increased numbers make sense.

    The country was raped 40 weeks ago and now we’re saddled with it’s illegitimate bastard child called Communism! If you can’t see that Dan you’re blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other!!

  9. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
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  10. John McCain 2.0 – he becomes more conservative near election time, puts out pithy ads and as soon as he wins he is an insufferable jerk to anyone MAGA. He needs to go.

  11. Just the one fact alone that Dominion and the Boards of Elections refuse to give up the passwords to the voting equipment screams Fraud!
    Why would they be trying to hide a “Win”

  12. Just because Crenshaw was a SEAL doesn’t means he gets a free pass on scrutiny. Special Forces have become overrated. Our military emphasizes them too much, and they’ve become somewhat of a box to check off for ambitious rank-climbers. Not saying that’s the case with Crenshaw, but that fat tub of goo LTC Vindman managed to waddle his way through Ranger School. I’ll take any Marine at Fallujah over that POS.

  13. Shortly after he first got elected, I was chatting with some guys, a couple of whom had served with or otherwise knew him. I was happy and said something supportive about Crenshaw. One of the guys muttered something under his breath that I didn’t catch and another said something along the lines of shit if Crenshaw can get elected… (trailed off, while someone else grunted something like “not too bright”)… and the last bit was a clear “not what you think he is”.

    I mostly recall being surprised, and pressing them for more, but they declined to elaborate.

  14. It’s just that when Bobby Piton gets wound up on election fraud he is not a good (ahem) communicator. Hubby says that is often the case with geniuses.

    I’m not making this up.

  15. When the entire Rogue’s Gallery of Disingenuous Propagandists (NYT, LAT, CNN, WP, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Huffington Post, etc) are all in lock-step with each other working overtime to tell us that the 2020 election was on the up and up you’d better believe they are sweeping the cat shit under the rug!

  16. I think it’s important to separate the motivations and dedication one has for serving his country, with the quality of the man as a politician.

    It’s possible this guy is another Pat Tillman. If you recall, Tillman gave up a multi million dollar pro football career to join the military, him and his brother. He was hailed as hero and I can’t argue with that. But Tillman was a first class asshole. He bullied the Christians in his unit, bad mouthed the president to anyone that would listen and was hated by many in his platoon. There is also considerable opinion out there that he was killed by his own troops, due to the bullet hole pattern in his forehead.

    Just because a guy was a SEAL or Special Forces, or a Ranger School grad, or whatever does not defacto make him a good American, but his accomplishments should be recognized.

  17. Shutting down the count around midnight when they’re losing and then when they reopen in the early hours of the morning suddenly bidens ahead in four states at the exact same time.
    What are the odds anonymous?

  18. Yeah, I’m such a Nimrod for not believing that the election wuz Fair & Square…

    So everybody knowledges that Hillary lost the 2016 election because she didn’t visit two states: Michigan and Wisconsin…
    Yet sleepy, creepy, stumbling, bumbling Jackass Joe (who can’t put two sentences together, has the morals of an Alley cat and the mental agility of Karl Childers) somehow got 81 million votes by staying in his basement!
    Yeah… Silly me!

  19. The guy at times fights the left, but I’ve lost count of the times he sounds like either a leftist or globalist.

    I think sometimes our side goes all in for veterans and cops and forgets not all veterans or cops are conservative or even decent human beings for that matter.

    I appreciate veterans, but I also do not give them a pass just because they’re a veteran or were injured.


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