Dan Rather Still Insists Memogate Was the Truth – IOTW Report

Dan Rather Still Insists Memogate Was the Truth


Here’s Dan Rather, insisting to this day that the Rathergate story was true: “Our story was true…They couldn’t attack the truth of the story, so they attacked the process by which we arrived at the truth — was it flawed? Yes, it was flawed. Was it more flawed than it should have been? Yes. Am I responsible for some of that? Yes. This is the point: The story was true. It was true then, it was true now.”  “Flawed” is an unusual euphemism for a hoax. As the CBS report afterwards detailed, the memos — which Rather and Mary Mapes claimed came from 1972, but perfectly matched the format of 2004-era Microsoft Word  – were never authenticated by document examiners;

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26 Comments on Dan Rather Still Insists Memogate Was the Truth

  1. Someone brought that to him and it just seemed so valid, such a scoop, that he had to believe it no matter what.

    As another example, I believe that 97% of climate scientists think that humans are primarily the cause of globull warming. I mean, there was an article, and while I didn’t research the details of the article it was just so obviously in line with what seemed rational that I didn’t feel the need to approach it skeptically. And I just don’t understand why everyone else doesn’t believe that too.

    Well not me actually. I have a skeptical brain.

  2. Dan Rather one of the lowest of the low. He’s a hateful propagandist who has damaged the nation. He’s a seditious liar who should be punished for his crimes. He, along with other leftist hacks posing as journalists, are unworthy of any consideration or kindness.

  3. “That’s my lie, and I’m sticking with it!”

    Just as a side note, the main dude who fell for “Piltdown Man” went to his grave swearing it was “true” regardless of the fact that the hoaxters admitted to the fraud.

  4. Come to think of it, many Americans still refer to Obola as “the President” regardless of the voter fraud in 2012 and the lies surrounding his nativity, travels, and education.

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