Dan Rather – The Jim Acosta of Yesteryear – IOTW Report

Dan Rather – The Jim Acosta of Yesteryear

Dan Rather was a democrat operative posing as an anchorman who delivered the nightly news.

He delivered the nightly democrat propaganda.

When vice president Bush was running for president, CBS invited him on the show to talk about his platform. That’s when Dan Rather said, hold my beer, I got this,” and attempted to derail Bush from the tracks.

He rehashed the old “arms for hostages” story and tried to make Bush look corrupt and unelectable. What happened was the opposite. Bush enjoyed a bounce in his poll numbers following this embarrassing, for CBS, blatant ambush.

Not only did Bush enjoy a bump, these moments were the impetus for the creation of Fox news.

ht/ hot salsa


19 Comments on Dan Rather – The Jim Acosta of Yesteryear

  1. The ‘good ole days’ when the only tripe we had to ignore was on free broadcast TV. Today the same A’Holes are financially raping and brainwashing hundreds of millions.

  2. I was thinking how cool Bush remained with Rather, then remembered reading the story of when he was shot down over the Pacific, barely missed being captured by the Japanese, then survived on an island. After that, Rather was a minor annoyance.

    James Bradley’s book Flyboys describes what happened.
    Its an excellent book if such things interest you.


  3. Bush was always a gentleman, even treated me (as a college student working for his election) exceptionally well (when he found out I was a veteran he bought me a scotch at the bar – I drank a bourbon and coke in his memory yesterday (1st drink I’ve had since 1994)).

    He wasn’t perfect and he wasn’t his son but he did lead us in a war.

  4. Alleged that Dan Rather on TV newscasts lied about the actual facts of the JFK assassination in Dallas. Rather was there and was a witness himself. Thus he was rewarded with rising stardom from TPTB in the always lying media. Rather sold his soul to get what he wanted.

  5. Marines tossed Dan Rather’s worthless ass out before Rather could become a Marine. Not sure if his women’s underwear, hammer and sickle tattoos, rectal stretch marks, lack of gag reflex, or love letters to Barney Frank had anything to do with Rather’s rejection.

  6. Don Dubbins in the movie The DI (on TCM recently) with Jack Webb played a very reluctant recruit that Jack Webb as the very strict DI needed to straighten out which he did eventually was a far better Marine than Dan Blather would ever hope to be.

  7. The difference I see is that CBS has not cut off the answers when they aren’t going their way as the current communists do today and they apparently did not edit the answers to fit their desired result. Not that they didn’t want to but they weren’t quite as corrupt as the current versions in these roles.

  8. To not be aware of Bush senior’s history hence father and the bankrolling of Hitler, well documented, is an easy path to follow where we are. Rather was nothing more than a useful tool along that way.

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