Dana Milbank Says the Senate Republicans Have an “Unhealthy Fixation on Child Porn” – IOTW Report

Dana Milbank Says the Senate Republicans Have an “Unhealthy Fixation on Child Porn”


Senate Republicans’ unhealthy fixation on child porn, by the numbers.

Judging by the numbers, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are obsessed with child pornography.

In four days of Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the phrase “child porn” (or “pornography” or “pornographer”) was mentioned 165 times. There were also, according to transcripts, 142 uses of “sex” (“sexual abuse,” “sexual assault,” “sexual intercourse,” “sex crimes”), 15 of “pedophile,” 13 of “predators,” 18 of “prepubescent” and nine of general pornography.

Therewere only 30 mentions of the First Amendment and 12 of the Bill of Rights.

The Republican fixation on pornography continued during Monday’s round of statements by senators before the committee advanced Jackson’s nomination to the Senate floor. A preliminary transcript showed 41 mentions of “porn” or “pornography” and 32 mentions of “sex offenders,” “sexual assault” and the like.


Probably the dumbest take ever authored.

I guess one could easily say that the left had an unhealthy fixation on date rape during the Kavanaugh hearings, a claim the right NEVER MADE as the Democrat senators ignored the 1st amendment and the Bill of Rights.

Is Milbank really this dumb? If Hunter Biden was nominated to the supreme court my guess is that the Republican Senate would have an “unhealthy fixation” on smoking crack and taking bribes.

Of course, the Senators spoke a lot about child porn. The left’s nomination has a dangerous record when ruling from her bench.


13 Comments on Dana Milbank Says the Senate Republicans Have an “Unhealthy Fixation on Child Porn”

  1. Jesus Christ. It’s either the stupidest take ever or it’s pure evil, attempting to blame your opponent for the crime you’ve committed (which is typical for leftists, I think we can all agree on at this point — I think it was Alinsky who said “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty”). The comments on the original article are terrifying in their stupidity, moral relativism, and pretzel logic but also highly enlightening, if you’ve ever wondered how a leftist thinks.

  2. Memo to Disney Employees:
    Go ahead and voice your opinions out loud now cuz most of you will be losing your jobs anyway when Disney attendance and subscribers are down by 75% this summer! Might as well go on the record of being on the right side of this debacle than be branded an out-of-work coward that supported child abuse.

  3. They always have thing for diddlin kids, just can’t help themselves. Disney will ride this storm out, times are tough all over. Right side?
    Not a chance in Fantasy Land, “gay boy”!

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