Dancing Madly Backwards – IOTW Report

Dancing Madly Backwards

It’s Amazing How Quick the Narrative Changed After Polling Numbers .

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The media reluctantly finally got around to kinda shorta condemning the fiery, but mostly peaceful riots. The arson and looting and murders in the streets were all fun and games, but now the sympathetic media is worried that the violence is “showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in the focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

There’s a lot to be said about what CNN, particularly Don Lemon, who has done more than his part to legitimize this social unrest, has said or hasn’t said.  It’s also worth pointing out how rioting only became objectionable once it threatened to hurt Democrats and not, say, those small business owners or anyone living in the affected cities. Riding the SJW wave to the WH has backfired, and Black Lives Matter has mutated into an electoral liability for the Democrat brand.

You may not recall, but Democratic pollster David Shor predicted that this would happen back in late May, and was promptly fired from his job for the trouble. MORE

8 Comments on Dancing Madly Backwards

  1. I saw the title and assumed this was about me. Stupid ego. I cannot tell you how many times I wish I never pretended I knew how to dance. Stupid white person ego.

    As for Don Lemon and the rest of the preening class, you should seriously take a look in the mirror and see what you are talking about. Useful Idjits, as Lenin said (allegedly)

  2. Great article!

    “So Let’s Review:

    Leftist are running through the streets of Democrat controlled cities, burning, looting, killing, attacking Police and innocent citizens and it’s DJT’s fault. Got That?”

    Yeah, that’s the ticket!

    Except it isn’t going to ‘stick.’ They’re too late, plus, here comes the promised siege of the Capital.

    What could stick is voter fraud.


  3. someone w/ much more talent than I needs to do a gif (or some such thing) of all these ‘pundits’ … put their heads on a moonwalking Michael Jackson going back & forth, back & forth

    every time they backpedal what they said, play it …. over & over & over

  4. Now I’ve seen it all. The reference to ‘Dancing Madly Backwards (on a sea of air)’ from Captain Beyond took me by surprise. 1972. Even took me by surprise. In the age of Covid-1984, Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

    I am gobsmacked. I thought I was the only person who bought that terrible album. Hahaha.
    I love a blind side surprise. Thanks.

  5. Election results should be determined by those votes received by Election Day. Want your vote counted? Do it at the polls or mail it in early enough to be received and tallied by then. Anything else is open to ballot fraud and should be disallowed.


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