Dangerous New Experimental Oil Treatment For Your Car – IOTW Report

Dangerous New Experimental Oil Treatment For Your Car

“What? Are you anti-oil???”

h/t Ann Nonymous Prime

17 Comments on Dangerous New Experimental Oil Treatment For Your Car

  1. Is it an “oil change” or a “lube job?”

    No, it’s definitely a lube job.

    Up the arse.

    With a grease gun.

    Full of poisonous, molybdenum grease.


    In public.

    On your birthday.

  2. It’s probably that “Slick 50” stuff from back in the 80’s – known to clog the oil filter which then starved the bearings of oil. A car version of myocarditis. A worse situation than not using it at all.

  3. Why is the steering wheel on the right hand side since this appears to be an American commercial? And I doubt very seriously you’d find many Darrell’s in the UK. Perfect analogy to all the COVID malarkey being foisted upon us by the anti science left.

  4. The jab destroys real immunity to other diseases like a chemically induced HIV/AIDS if it doesn’t kill with blood clots and damaged heart.
    Being pushed like the Biblical “mark of the beast” requirements.

  5. There is a 99.9% chance you won’t crap your pants after eating Mexican food. But to enter the restaurant, the government wants to force you to wear a diaper. And they want your neighbors to wear diapers as well, just in case they crap their pants when you eat Mexican food. It’s for your safety.

  6. Actually Dumas, there IS a 99.9% chance I WILL crap my pants after eating Mexican food. But usually, I make it home first.

    (Of course, this is irrelevant to your point so it all comes out good in the end.)


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