Dangerous Reckless Drivers in Small Neighborhood Claiming Diplomatic Immunity From Qatar – IOTW Report

Dangerous Reckless Drivers in Small Neighborhood Claiming Diplomatic Immunity From Qatar

Look at these a-holes.

They claim to have middle-eastern diplomatic immunity.

“I can kill you and you can’t do anything about it.”

ht/ illustr8r

18 Comments on Dangerous Reckless Drivers in Small Neighborhood Claiming Diplomatic Immunity From Qatar

  1. Like I said in the Bullpen…

    It would be a real shame if “road debris” happened to flatten their tires and caused them to lose control right into a tree, and then the cars caught fire and burned up completely… Yep, it’d be a real shame.

  2. Had a friend who raced his motorcycle through a neighborhood full of kids. He went out for a ride one day and his transmission locked up a couple blocks from home. Carborundum grit in the transmission case will do that.

  3. “Honestly, we don’t even know who was driving the Ferrari. All this driving occurred outside the presence of the police.”

    HEY! That’s my point a-hole! Prove I was driving through your red-light camera!

    This is your “Get out of the Red-Light Camera ticket” card.

    If they can ticket the owners of the cars caught by red-light cameras, they can ticket the owners of these cars.


    Debris happens. Sometime a thin board or two with nails sticking up appear.

    Also, if you try to kill me, it may cost you your life, buddy. THEN tell me how I can’t do anything about it from your coffin.

    Methinks he hasn’t thought it through how different America really is from his home land. There they can enslave you, kill you, whatever they want and America can’t do anything about it.

    You’re not as immune here as you think. Sh*t happens.

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