Danley, Girlfriend of Shooter, Arrives in U.S. in Wheelchair – IOTW Report

Danley, Girlfriend of Shooter, Arrives in U.S. in Wheelchair

UPDATE: After interview the FBI releases Danley.


She’s setting up a defense. And this wheelchair is part of the sympathy card.

To me it looks staged and pathetic, and does not, at all, do what she thinks it will do. She looks like a slip and fall litigant, like her murdering boyfriend.

I believe, at the very least, she is guilty of knowing what was about to go down. Her sisters are saying she was whisked away and given 100 grand. Any normal person would realize that this isn’t normal behavior and would ask questions.

The report also says that he recently went on anti-anxiety medication, a medication that could trigger aggressive behavior. Mansfield Lovell has been of the opinion that we would definitely find out the guy is on the “mass murderer” drug.

Every single mass shooting that wasn’t by a Filthy Mohammedan Savage has been by someone on SSRI’s:
-Aurora Colorado movie theatre….SSRI’s
-VA Tech Korean dude….SSRI’s
-Gabby Gifford’s shooter in Arizona….SSRI’s
-Adam Lanza, the POS in CT school shooting….SSRI’s
-Columbine School Kids….SSRI’s

-Mansfield Lovell

20 Comments on Danley, Girlfriend of Shooter, Arrives in U.S. in Wheelchair

  1. I’m of the opinion this whole event was staged by the left because people keep making fun of Hillary Clinton and her 500 page book of lame excuses. Were her book to have made the #1 spot and sell out, 50-odd conservative, country music loving people would still be alive today.

  2. Thirdtwin, that may have been a hooker Paddock hired that noticed his arsenal in the suite, then went to warn some people.
    He likely gambled a bunch, hired prostitutes, knowing he wouldn’t survive the weekend.

    Also, did the FBI not send someone to Manila to get the bitch?
    We waited for her to come to us?

  3. Using wheel chair for a sympathetic device? Also, just because they didn’t go and get her doesn’t mean they didn’t have agents in the airport making sure she boarded. Unless she’s under arrest they can’t force her, she’d lawyer up.

  4. Putting her in a wheelchair was the fastest way to get her out of the public’s eye and maneuvered into an interrogation room. There’s a lot of walking to do at LAX to get from point A to point B. I see nothing weird about this.

  5. The Boston bombers wife was never held responsible for her undeniable knowledge of their plans and warning them they were named during the manhunt. The Orlando shooters wife was arrested but there is no information about her whereabouts since the arrest. There is a track record of the spouses/partners getting off completely or pretty lightly even when it was obvious they had knowledge and probably assisted to some degree.

  6. Groucho & Tamminator – ….wait for it….

    My bet is that it will be revealed that Paddock was on an SSRI anti-depressant.

    The reason the MSM never ever highlights mass murderers using SSRI’s is because Big Pharma spends tens of billions a year in advertising – tv, radio, newspapers, magazines. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. Plus, by ignoring SSRI’s, it allows them to continue their drumbeat against guns. It’s a twofer for them – pander to their advertisers, propagandize against guns.

  7. I heard on tv her brother said he called her right after he heard about it. “She said, Relax, we shouldn’t worry about it. I’ll fix it. Do not panic. I have a clean conscience.”

    WTH is that supposed to mean?

  8. @anonymous. Orlando Pulse Nightclub killer’s wife is in jail awaiting trial. But I take your point on the other cases.

    Per report, Paddock prescribed 10mg. Valium x50 (I believe back in June?). Valium has been on the market for decades, most notably prescribed as Mommy’s little helper and frustrated bored housewives in the 50s.

    Don’t recall June Cleaver types going postal & lord know she had reasons to with Eddie
    Haskell corrupting Wally & the Beave.

  9. @Engelburka engelburka: June Cleaver types didn’t go postal, but they definitely got fed up with their subservient role in life, and a lot of them hem wound up getting divorced years later. I know, because I briefly dated one such gal back in the late 70’s (I was younger than her). The weird thing was that I had met her when I was dating her daughter (who was younger than me). So I guess that makes me…

    Naw, I ‘m not going there. Forget I ever mentioned it.


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