Darrell Brooks Acted Like a Bored Child During Preliminary Hearings – IOTW Report

Darrell Brooks Acted Like a Bored Child During Preliminary Hearings

Fox News

Darrell Brooks Jr., the man accused of ramming an SUV into a Waukesha, Wisconsin, Christmas parade last year, was escorted out of court Friday following an outburst.

Brooks yelled at Judge Jennifer Dorow and the courtroom gallery, expressing his boredom toward the end of the proceeding Friday, before she denied Brooks’ legal team’s motions to dismiss and suppress evidence in the case ahead of his October trial. More

11 Comments on Darrell Brooks Acted Like a Bored Child During Preliminary Hearings

  1. I wonder if all his past social media posts advocating violence against white people will be either used or allowed in court as a motive for his crime. Ditto with Garland and his merry band of stooges at the DOJ filing civil rights charges against him.

  2. I don’t wonder at all, Rich. No way this case will be allowed to have a racial component like “hate crime.” Unless the hate crime is white folks celebrating a Christian holiday. All that social media stuff would be “prejudicial” to his defense.

  3. That’s exactly what we’re looking for. It’s your Patriotic DUTY!!!!! You understand LE next step. We don’t. I’m talking after action taken, or EXECUTED if you prefer. Let’s do this.
    We’re all comedians here FBI. Move on to the Conservative Tree House. Those peeps are dangerous.

  4. Death penalty was repealed in Wisconsin in 1853. Racist killer Darrell will be a hero with the other niggers in lockup. Maybe an Aryan can get some prison justice for society.

  5. “Brooks was facing 83 charges, including six first-degree homicide counts, before Friday’s hearing, but Dorow annulled six vehicular homicide counts, ruling that Brooks cannot face multiple punishments for the same crime…”

    So I’m not an attorney, can someone explain why he can’t be charged with 6 homicides, when he drove his car into a parade and killed 6 people? If he had fired his gun into the crowd and killed 6, he most certainly would be charged with 6 homicides.

  6. @Tony – the vehicular homicide charges are the lesser of similar charges that still stand.
    Poor Darrell, just a distraught child still pissed at his mom for giving him a ‘white’ name and not D’Arrel.


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