Darwinists Get Thrown a Curveball – IOTW Report

Darwinists Get Thrown a Curveball

There’s an old story about a chemist, a physicist, and an economist stranded on a desert island with nothing to eat but a can of soup. Puzzling over how to open the can, the chemist says, “Let’s heat the can until it swells and bursts from the buildup of gases.” “No, no,” says the physicist, “let’s throw it off that cliff with just enough kinetic energy to split it open on the rocks below.” The economist, after thinking a moment says, “Assume a can opener.”

There’s more than one trade that deals in assumptions. The way Darwinists approach the origin of life is a lot like that economist’s idea for opening the can. The Darwinian mechanism of mutation and natural selection explains everything about life, we’re told—except how it began.


The origin of species, indeed.

30 Comments on Darwinists Get Thrown a Curveball

  1. Evolution, revolution, devolution, subsitution,
    all we are saying, is give piece a chance.

    Good article. Great point. The farther back an already functioning set of DNA can be found, the less time there was between unlivable Earth conditions and DNA.

    The economist nailed it.

  2. I very much like Michael Crichton’s short take on the topic; believing in evolution is like believing a tornado can buzz through a junkyard and assemble a 747 (paraphrased).

    As far as the alien theory, I can find no other plausible explanation for some forms of life I’ve encountered.

  3. If that was me on that desert island, and I still had my keychain, I’d just take off my trusty P-38 and zip that can open in a jiffy.

    After about 200 tiny little twists, that is.


  4. the problem w/ Evolutionary Theory is that it confuses adaptation w/ evolution & evolution w/ mutation
    … basically the same as those ‘scientist’ that claim the universe was ‘created’ from nothing

  5. @riverlife_callie – you’re very welcome!

    Fred is a treasure. Always worth reading, and frequently laugh-out-loud funny. He even wrote a couple of good detective/crime novels somewhat in the style of Elmore Leonard with a touch of Carl Hiaasen.

  6. The hostility to just excepting the creator puts endless arguments out there that are easily dismissed. They cling to proven falsehoods like stubborn children….no getting through

  7. The fossil record shows us that turtles millions of years ago are basically the same as turtles today.
    I guess God asked them if they wanted to evolve and they said “Naw, were good.”.

  8. I find it kind of strange that people will embrace the idea of Ancient Aliens but deny the existence of God.

    But then I also find it kind of strange that anyone – ANY-FUCKING-ONE – could believe that HRC (or Obola, for that matter) would make a good (or even adequate) Preznit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. It’s strange how public schools have been teaching an outdated version of evolution for years. the fact is theories of evolution have been evolving since the THEORY was started. but too complicated to teach the changes to children all they need to be is indoctrinated into the basic lie! evolution is a belief system, a religion by it’s own right and therefore should be banned from public schools.

  10. Ten thousand years from now someone doing an archeological dig will find something strange looking embedded into a rock. it will be a fragment of old rotted blue jeans someone wore while they pissed on a wall with piss repellent paint. the material now has petrified with DNA in it and the future archeologist will declare they have found the origins of life on earth!

  11. Omfg! How can you fools be smugly content in your ignorance?
    Do you believe in the Easter bunny too?
    At no point in human history have “we” had al the pieces of the puzzles, but there’s certainly enough info to know what the thing will look like when it’s done. Just because science hasn’t found the beginning doesn’t mean everything else on the subject is wrong. All your evidence consists of is childish emotion..
    Ronterf mentioned kids being indoctrinated by schools…how do churches do it? Get the kids early and fill them with fear of a boogie man? Tell them some magic fairy sprinkled some dust on some mud and viola! People!
    No wonder so many on this site think trump is a good candidate. (And before one of you morons accuses me of liking or supporting Hillary just go fuck yourselves now)
    You fucking ignorant fools are stuck in the dark ages. Literally, as far as your intellect goes. Back then ignorant people ( meaning having no knowledge on a subject,) thought religion WAS science.
    And only this harangue will stand. No evidence will be provided cuz y’all wouldn’t understand it anyway apparently.
    No replies needed, I have no interest in your rebuttals.

  12. @Dan K – This is not a rebuttal. Believe as you will, but do so in a scientifically informed manner. Go read that Fred Reed piece I linked to. He doesn’t offer answers, either. He makes observations and offers questions – you know, sort of the basis for the scientific method.

    To use your language, you are a fucking ignorant fool stuck in the progressive era.

  13. The main difference between science and religion (IMHO) is that science changes much more quickly when a theory (everything’s a theory until proven otherwise, you know) is discovered to be incorrect. Most religions have to be dragged kicking and screaming toward the truth, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Remember when the Church taught that the Earth was the center of the Universe? Neither do I, actually, but I’m sure that many people of that time refused to accept it when Karma ran over their dogma.

    Then there’s the religions that refuse to change, period.

    (Lookin’ at you, Muzzies…)


  14. Monistic Idealism is the philosophy that consciousness is the true substance of the universe, not matter. Nothing useful is created by “accident” without a creative consciousness to give it meaning.
    Empirically speaking, there is no difference between an ordinary chunk of granite, and Michelangelo’s “David”. It requires a creative consciousness to see and understand that they are not the same.
    Looking at it this way, life itself *must* be a product of creation, and not a spontaneous reaction to a lightening bolt striking a puddle of organic goo.

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