Data: 80% of Illegals Freed by Sanctuary Cities Commit More Crimes – IOTW Report

Data: 80% of Illegals Freed by Sanctuary Cities Commit More Crimes


Up to 80 percent of criminal illegal aliens who are released by sanctuary jurisdictions across the United States will commit additional crimes and victimize more Americans, federal immigration data reveals.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official Timothy Robbins said that anywhere between 40 to 80 percent of criminal illegal aliens who are released by sanctuary jurisdictions go on to commit more crime.

“When aliens walk out the front of the jail that could have been handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for removal proceedings, they have the opportunity to commit additional crimes,” Robbins said. “What we’ve seen, and depending on the report you look at, anywhere from 40 to 80 percent of those who have committed crimes will re-offend.” read more

8 Comments on Data: 80% of Illegals Freed by Sanctuary Cities Commit More Crimes

  1. 100% of illegals released in sanctuary jurisdictions commit more crime.

    Assuming that if in jail/prison, they have no choice over where they can travel, once released, when they remain again in the country illegally, they have committed another crime.

    [Aside, Breitbart quality is tanking. 40-80% is not “80%.]

  2. Won’t cooperate with ICE? Then no access it VICAP, CODIS, AFIS, or any other federal law enforcement database or tool. Also, shut down the local FBI office. Want to be a sanctuary area? Do it on your own.

  3. We need to sentence the politicians and judges for the crimes the illegal alien invaders commit upon release. They gave them the green light. They are culpable.

    Gavin Newson had better pray to God (who he does not believe in or obey) that an illegal alien never harms my loved ones. He might incur my wrath.

  4. I only wish that the victims of crimes committed by these illegals who are illegally released start suing the local police chief, mayor, city council and governor for big bucks. I wonder why the ambulance chasing, 3:00 AM tv add hustler lawyers don’t realize this could be a goldmine. Get a sympathetic jury and they could a third of a big award/settlement.


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