Data Out of England and Israel Shows Majority of Covid Deaths in the Over 50 Category Are From Fully Vaxxed Patients, Not Unvaxxed – IOTW Report

Data Out of England and Israel Shows Majority of Covid Deaths in the Over 50 Category Are From Fully Vaxxed Patients, Not Unvaxxed

Lew Rockwell-

The oft-repeated refrain right now is that we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” meaning those who have not received the COVID jab make up the bulk of those hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. For example, August 20, 2021, England’s chief medical officer professor Chris Whitty tweeted:1,2

“Four weeks working on a COVID ward makes stark the reality that the majority of our hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying. Some are very sick including young adults. Please don’t delay your vaccine.”

Curiously, if you take the time to actually look at the data, you’ll find that this blanket statement is rather deceptive. Here’s a graphic published in the Evening Standard, sourced from Public Health England:3

As you can see, as of August 15, 2021, 58% of COVID patients admitted to hospital who were over the age of 50 had actually received two doses of COVID injections and 10% had received one dose. So, partially or fully “vaccinated” individuals made up 68% of hospitalizations.

Only in the 50 and younger category were a majority, 74%, of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated. Whitty, however, completely neglected to differentiate between the age groups. The same applies to deaths. Unvaccinated only make up the majority of COVID deaths in the under-50 age group. In the over-50 group, the clear majority, 70%, are either partially or fully “vaccinated.”


20 Comments on Data Out of England and Israel Shows Majority of Covid Deaths in the Over 50 Category Are From Fully Vaxxed Patients, Not Unvaxxed

  1. How many deaths in the over-50 group, compared to how many deaths in the under-50 group. Same with hospitalizations. I am assuming that the number of over-50s dead and hospitalized is much greater than the number of under-50s, which would make those percentages even more damning to the jab.

  2. Scary stuff! But on the other hand: 1) no link is provided for the full data, 2) this only shows percentages, no actual counts which are needed to really understand this, 3) for comparison, what is the level of vaccination in the whole population at this time, 4) what or who is “PA”?

  3. You really need to be able to get into the detail to get good takeaways. CDC provides a LOT of data, sometimes in useful format and sometimes very difficult.
    It is clear that the ‘vaccines’ (a vaccine is defined as delivering immunity, so these are clearly not) are successful at reducing symptoms, and for those at risk it likely offsets the risks of these unknown drugs. You can see that from the recent high case numbers and much lower deaths and hospitalizations.
    Meanwhile, obesity in elementary-age children (5-11) has skyrocketed from 36.1% to 45.7%, putting children at much greater risk not only from covid, but from everything else.

  4. If these patients had been given HCQ+ZINC AND ARITHORYCIN before they were too sick to stay at home these figures showing death and hospitalisation of unvaxxed would have been 85% less but it’s never been given a chance for one obvious reason,politicians themselves do not want you to get better.Hcq was cleared from the shelves,3 factories burnt down and 3 presidents killed over this.

  5. Don’t tell me that governments and ‘journalists’ are lying.

    Why would pharmaceutical giants, hospitals and bureaucrats value their personal wealth over the lives of others?

    Glad I’m no one special. If I knew any of these people personally, it would bring out the ugliest side of me.

  6. This is not data, this is just thumbsuck fear porn. By repeating this nonsense, you lend credibility to liars who can’t even be bothered to tell the same story whole day, their morning bulldust is directly contradict the rubbish they come up with at nightfall.
    Show us the autopsy reports for every “covid death” please?
    What was that? You are not “allowed” to inspect any “covid victims”? Embarassed by the gunshot wounds, heart attacks and fatal obesity, are we?
    Using the enemy’s “data” even to embarass them, still means you believe their lies…

  7. PA stands for PA Media, a UK company that provides media companies with graphics and news, etc. They are the designer of the graphic which was using Public Health England data.

    To see the data source one would have to access the Public Health England database.

    The story is the same worldwide, there are serious issues with the existing SARS CoV 2 vaccines. The mRNA vaccine is not the panacea promised.

  8. As a doctor, who has some insight into vax vs natural disease, there is no way a vaccine gives you the same robust immunity that natural disease does. More and more studies will continue to show this. The latest is the one from Israel. This is government propaganda. Why they are doing this is for all of us to discern. Evidence shows that masks are ineffective for aerozolized virus particles ( that’s a fact), and social distancing is an archaic idea from the 1800’s. Please educate yourself and avoid group think. If you have been infected with the virus and survived (like me) do not, I repaet do not take the vaccine , it is medically unscientific. My take on this as a doctor.

  9. Don’t forget to add on the deaths caused by the vaccine. On our Australian Government Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN): The number of vaccination related deaths in Australia this year (till 17th August) is 464. The number of covid deaths for the same time period is 58. Why are we not being told this by the politicians and MSM? What ever happened to informed consent? Don’t even talk to me about mandating vaccination!


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