Dating? – IOTW Report


16 Comments on Dating?

  1. Beyond creative, even the colors of the food on the plate are coordinated…AND down to the glass and the color of the contents.

    I think the date will eat more and the whole thing in THIS case…such nibbling away…barely could get a word in…

    But the use of ones own hands to eat CAN be a TURN OFF…

    Just sayin’?

  2. I’m into sipping flambeaus while reading Tchaikovsky and listening to Dostoevsky. I love very long walks on the beach in the middle of a winter storm at 3:00 AM. Call me.

  3. @Vietvet – you WON…that.was.hysterical.

    Still laughing as I am typing this!

    OMG that is OFF THE CHARTS funny…

    Chomp, chomp away. #METOOHAMSTERS…


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