David Barton Destroys the ‘America Is a Secular Nation’ Myth – IOTW Report

David Barton Destroys the ‘America Is a Secular Nation’ Myth

Historian David Barton joins us to talk about the founding of the United States and put to rest the myth that America is a secular nation.

12 Comments on David Barton Destroys the ‘America Is a Secular Nation’ Myth

  1. Plenty of Christians everywhere.

    Unfortunately, trying to find a pastor that isn’t ‘woke’ is the problem.

    My own church seemed more intent on spreading the official narrative of keep safe from the virus and lets do something about racism than in spreading the gospel.

    I should say that it is now my ‘former church’.

  2. The USA was founded as a Christian nation. Not Judeo-Christian…CHRISTIAN!

    Yeah, not all the founders were religious but the founding principles were rooted in Christianity.

  3. The United States has to fall for the reign of the Ant-Christ and his one world government, religious, and military system can be instituted and Christianity has to be made ineffective or non existent for that to happen.

    That’s why you see the current push to neutralize Christianity in America with every thing from smear campaigns against it to forcing Churches to close while liquor stores, pot shops, and gay bathhouses are allowed to remain open.

    The prophecies say this will happen and since it is necessary for their final fulfillment with the return of Christ to come about it will happen.

    It won’t be a pleasant time to be Christian and anti Christian and antisemitic persecution will reach severe levels, but take comfort in reading the back of the book and knowing who wins and who loses for eternity.

    Stay true to the faith and God’s word until the end and be on the winning side.

  4. David Barton is an impressive man! He possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of our history and I was fascinated. I’ve only heard him speak in news snippets prior to this but I’ll be changing that.

  5. @Heretic — You’re missing the point entirely.

    It takes a moral people to pull off self-government of the kind contemplated by our Constitution, yet the Constitution itself protects us against a theocracy. That was intentional.

    But what we have arrived at today is, in fact, a theocracy; a religion of pseudo science made up of twisted, unproven “facts” about the nature of the world and of people.

    Theocratic merit is doled out by secular, high priests on the basis of gender, race, class, and adherence to their prevailing views of global weather patterns, economic justice and oppression.

  6. ” If you’re saying you can’t have morals without religion, we’re going to disagree.”

    Morals without a religion, a defining and absolute source for them- just means everyone becomes righteous in his own mind and what is moral is what suite his ends.

    When there is no absolute and unchanging source for the common morals, there is no longer such a thing as immorality because “What’s moral for you may not be what”s moral for me”.

  7. in 1846, the bishops of the United States unanimously chose our Blessed Mother, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, to be the Patroness of the United States of America.

  8. “Your religion says it’s ok.
    So which is it?”

    My religion doesn’t say it’s OK, or that it isn’t for that matter, it simply indicates that people were and still are slaves and indicates it will be that way till the final fulfillment of the prophecies. FWIW, the abolishing of slavery in Western countries was a Christian movement.

    The religion that actually says it’s OK would be Islam, its prophet having owned them and his adherents responsible for the slave trade. They still own and trade in them in their own countries.

    I take it you’re some kind of Islamophobic bigot that thinks an entire major religion is immoral just because you say so? Or that you support slavery as moral by some but not others (what’s moral for some may not be moral for others and so on)?

    FWIW, was slavery immoral a few hundred years ago when it was widely accepted as moral? Is what is moral determined by the winner of a war, and is war itself moral? Is what the prevailing majority decides is moral or immoral at any given time and does the immoral become moral and the moral become immoral at the behest of the decision of the strongest group wanting it that way?

  9. @Heretic

    Trying to change the minds of people that believe in the an imaginary friend in the sky, and base their morals on the tribal war god of abraham is always going to be a losing proposition.

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