David Bonior just learned about ” pesky” government regulations – IOTW Report

David Bonior just learned about ” pesky” government regulations

PJ Media

David Bonior Has Been Doing it Wrong for Most of His Life

Wouldn’t it be nice if our legislators, those who write the laws that we live under but they often don’t, would know what those laws will do before they write and pass them? Liberal Democrat David Bonior spent 26 years in Washington “serving” Michigan as the media tells it, which means he spent those decades there passing laws telling the rest of us what to do.

Now that he has left government, he has finally started to learn that government can be more of a problem than a solution.

He has invested at least $1 million, by my estimate, building two family-owned Washington restaurants, the second of which, Agua 301, is near Nationals Park and only a line drive from the Anacostia River. His first eatery, Zest Bistro, opened on Capitol Hill four years ago.

“It’s the American Dream,” he said of his new career.

Over tasty Caesar salad and tacos at Agua 301, the mild-mannered, thoughtful Bonior — chastened by local regulators and fickle weather — sounds more born-again capitalist than fire-breathing lefty.

“Small-business people work very hard,” said the 68-year-old, who has spent most of his life in government. “If you are a small-business guy, you are out there and not as protected as a government employee. They struggle every day. A snow day, a government worker is off. A restaurant person takes a hit from that snow day. This winter was very, very tough on the [restaurant] industry.”



10 Comments on David Bonior just learned about ” pesky” government regulations

  1. This is why we should be electing people who have made something, operated a business, or worked a real job. No more community organizers. Why didn’t they learn what the real world was like in Washington. Must have REAL WORLD experiences, to be elected please?

  2. The only service that scumbag provided in his 26 yrs of hogging at the public trough was to bend over long enough for the socialists to use him like a girl (or like a boy, if it was Fwank or Reid), once or twice a day.

    But he stole enough to make it worthwhile … eh, Dave?

  3. The biggest surprise is how you have to hustle,” he said. “It was an eye-opener. I always heard this when I was in Congress. ‘You should try and own a business someday, Bonior.’

    no kidding,STUPID AAAAAASSS

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