David Brooks Invents “Flyover Man” Made of Straw – IOTW Report

David Brooks Invents “Flyover Man” Made of Straw

They were talking about a NYT column by David Brooks on Fox & Friends Weekend this morning and I had to check it out for myself. While the host pointed out the cringe worthy characterizations in the made up conversations between “Urban Man” and Flyover Man,” they were being generous. Here

This piece from Western Journal is that better describes the condescending attitude of Brook’s “Urban Man” towards those he looks down upon as the stupid rubes who inhabit the rest of the country. Here

8 Comments on David Brooks Invents “Flyover Man” Made of Straw

  1. Brooks is a typical urban halfwit who just doesn’t have enough mental capacity to understand his intellectual superiors in rural areas. He’s probably a fag, too.

  2. The left is going nuclear. If Barr or Durham do not file some indictments soon, kiss it all goodbye. SOON! Because we have reached the point already at which the reaction to any indictments is going to be explosive noise all about “retaliation” and “Banana Republic” all with the assumption that Trump and his supporters are the ones in the wrong.

  3. @janitor

    The truth doesn’t have an agenda. If the evidence is there and the criminals are convicted, they can spin it all they want. Only the dimmest will believe them.

  4. “Flyover man”, pretty awesome. Just like “deplorable”, and “peasant”.

    I’m a deplorable peasant flyover man, or a DPFM. Or string the letters a different way… FMDP.


  5. Brooks originally wrote for Bill Kristol. If he was any more severely conservative, he would be executed with the Rosenbergs.

    A country with 60M Trump voters and likely more silent supporters and can’t find one.

    He can still find a willing bear to suck off under a subway bathroom stall after brunch but before his editor’s 2pm deadline though.


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