David Cameron says wealth is ‘not a dirty word’ – IOTW Report

David Cameron says wealth is ‘not a dirty word’


Telegraph UK: Wealth is not a “dirty word”, David Cameron said last night as he finally  sought to fightback against a growing “lynch mob” unleashed in the wake of  disclosures about the Prime Minister’s financial affairs.

After more than a week of Government turmoil prompted by the release of  financial information from a Panamian law firm, Mr Cameron yesterday  defended the right of “aspirational” British families to earn money.

Mr Cameron, who became the first Prime Minister to publish detailed records  of his own tax payments, defended the “right of every British citizen to  make money lawfully” and said parents who give large financial gifts to  their children should be “proudly” supported by the Government.

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5 Comments on David Cameron says wealth is ‘not a dirty word’

  1. Mean-while you were sleeping…

    Inflation-adjusted federal tax revenues hit a record $1.48 trillion for the first half of fiscal year 2016, but the federal government still ran a $461 billion deficit during that time, according to the latest monthly Treasury Department statement.

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