David Hogg 4.2 GPA Folks. Get a load of this tweet—> – IOTW Report

David Hogg 4.2 GPA Folks. Get a load of this tweet—>

I guess this is why he didn’t get into any of the colleges he applied for. This was him tweeting before his handlers got to him.

This is a JOURNALISM major.

ht/ @FilmLadd on Twitter.

51 Comments on David Hogg 4.2 GPA Folks. Get a load of this tweet—>

  1. Like obomination; 57 States, corpse, & etc. Plus the brilliant congressman who thought too many troops would capsize an island. Then there are the pillars of brilliance, Biden, Waters, Pelosi, and of course the smartest woman in the world. The best the left has to offer.

  2. I remember when max GPA was 4.0. Max.

    Butt that wuz beefore da edumakashun maphia kerruptud da roolz.

    This dude is going to go down hard. Cindy Sheehan had a softer landing and that was a massive THUD.

  3. So has anyone uncovered Hogg’s original birth certificate, to verify his age and origin, yet? And his academic record for the GPA originated from what school? California? And has he registered for Selective Service if he is past the age of 18? So is he like Obamanation who has never let his ID records be known? There is so much about Hogg that should be researched and made public. Telling the truth about Hogg would probably be a pig sty story. He is an odd specimen being used as a communist propaganda stooge. More like a gray people alien offspring from the sci-fi underground.

  4. This guy might have a 4.2 gpa. But he didn’t get it from the school where the shooting took place. I think this guys about 20 years old and a total crisis actor.

  5. When I was in school any assignment turned in with grammatical or spelling errors was given an F. Things seem to have lightened up considerably for the snowflake generation.

  6. Have any of you ever read the signs teachers carry at their strikes and walkouts?
    How about reading their posts on social media?

    I can’t believe how they can’t spell and can’t write proper sentences. So it’s not surprising students can’t spell or write.

    If I had school age children today there is no way I would send them to public school. There are multiple reasons not to, but even if not for all those reasons, how could you expect someone to teach something they can’t do?

  7. Inverted triangle head child, Botox will not fix. Parents, none. Most likely one of the bully’s. Just think about him having a gun,,nah, Too much of a vagina. (no offense to true vagina owners) . Looking forward to YouTube seeing this deluded trash getting its ass kicked by a real woman.

  8. That is why ‘children’ are’t allowed to vote and shouldn’t be pushing for new laws. Not understanding that there is no such thing as ‘free’ school (perhaps his folks don’t own property) and spelling worse than someone using Ebonics yet the left wants me to believe this brainiac came up with Ingraham’s advertisers 5 minutes after he felt insulted.

  9. The obnoxious little cocksucker doesn’t have an authentic bone in his body and has never had an original thought his entire life, he is a puppet through and through

  10. This kid has become Kahn 2.0. Everybody should just ignore him. In a few weeks like Kahn he’ll be begging to keep being in the spotlight but no one will have him because no one will care.

  11. You’ll have a hard time being accepted to any university if you don’t finish high school. Taking 3 or 4 years to finish your senior year isn’t going to cut it.

  12. Not that I can stand the traitor John McCain, but the others day Baby Hog asked McCain when is he going to stop taking NRA money.

    A better question Baby Hog, is when are you and your daddy, Papa Hog, going to stop taking money from the corrupt socialist Grandpa George Soros Hog?

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