David Hogg is a Liar? – Said He Was At School During Shooting, Now Says He Was Home? – IOTW Report

David Hogg is a Liar? – Said He Was At School During Shooting, Now Says He Was Home?


His story is weird.

He says he heard about the shooting and got on his bike to go down to interview as many people as possible. (Is he talking about a different school shooting??)

How did he gain access to the building and get in there and end up in a closet with kids hiding?

He beat the police to the school on his bike and ran in while the shooting was happening?

Something is off. WAYYYYYYYY off.

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57 Comments on David Hogg is a Liar? – Said He Was At School During Shooting, Now Says He Was Home?

  1. When you put yourself out there, cracks in your story start to emerge. Now we’ll hear “leave this poor child alone, he’s been traumatised enough.” He’s got a punchable face.

  2. A reliable source says Hogg was dodging sniper fire with Hillary at the time. And they both barely survived when Brian Williams’ helicopter went down in a fiery crash, which was caused by a couple of shotgun blasts into the air from the Biden back porch.

  3. Hey come on, don’t allow the facts to detract from the message.
    There has been many people who spent a lot of time, effort and $millions of dollars to develop this unconstitutional, gun control narrative.

  4. @joe6pak

    they don’t graduate from schools in cali, cant do that when you drop out to start hanging with snoop drug, j-lolz, and weinstein and crew.

    na!, seriously, he was really behind the boys gym showers in the bushes masterbating. nearly put his eye out.

  5. He put together a video where he interviewed 2 girls while they were all “sheltering in place” in a “closet” (the second girl is not visible, you only hear her speak about her view on guns).

    After the first girl speaks, you can hear him whisper “come on, we need diversity,” at about the .37 mark. Also, there is the issue about when this particular video was recorded; Hogg says the second girl’s name is “Alex View” and asks her permission to record and then states “it’s 9:32.” The shooter, Cruz, didn’t enter the school until 2:21 p.m. He was taken into custody at 3:41 p.m. How were they hiding and recording a video nearly 5 hours prior, or nearly 6 hours after Cruz is in custody?

    ***I just searched and watched the video and every version I saw is now edited and you don’t hear him whispering about “diversity.”

  6. Somebody needs to Water Board that little bastard and find out who’s giving him his marching orders. A story like this won’t slow them down. It will have zero impact on what they are attempting to do. We need to identify the puppet masters.

  7. He’s basically a CNN plant. Communists have no scruples or shame. They will use children and women to further their agenda and hide behind. Not only that, but Hogg is a very useful idiot! His mother, Rebecca Boldrick, understandably dropped the Hogg name, however apparently all in vain. One look at her and you’ll see why. But it is her connections at CNN are what’s important here! Evidently this is her grab at the golden ring that she feels no Hogg should be without. Andrew Pollack is a straight shooter, I hope he comes out about this little shit!

  8. What, did mommy slip up and reveal that he was home watching Spongebob? I think we are finally done with him. Give him his Brian Williams Purple Shart with Clusters and send him back to school.

  9. Nothing like have your crisis actor right where you need him when you need him. Who’s freaken closet was he in? What’s mind blowing is they had protests in Europe on the same day. Imagine that, Europeans protesting our gun rights. This smells worse as time goes on.

  10. It will be interesting to see which network reveals this one first.
    NBC? Nope.
    CBS? Nope.
    ABC? Nope.
    PBS? Nope.
    Oh wait… CNN! Aahhhh… Nope!
    Hmmmm Fox News? Maybe.
    If they do, they should go for bonus points and ask CNN why they didn’t reveal the lie!

  11. You know, if I was a conspiracy type guy I might think that this was a well planned scheme. Hogg’s father and ex-FBI agent helped choreograph an “event” meant to allow these woke kids to take the stage with their radical views. It got a little “out of hand” and the officer who was supposed to do his job didn’t so unfortunately some innocent kids died…BUT…we CAN’T let that get in the way of “the plan”. In fact, it actually works in our favor and we need to be more aggressive than ever! We can’t let this opportunity slip by! Now is the time!
    I mean if I was a conspiracy type guy.

  12. So if this little prick hopped on his bike to interview as many people as he could, how’d he get thru the cops?
    Where are these interviews???
    So many questions…

  13. What was he doing at home? Hmmmm, maybe he is an adult and graduated 2 years ago from a school in California. Keep digging all you sleuths, we’re going to unravel him, then Saran wrap him and show the Tide Pod eating chilldrun that this kid is getting fame and fortune off the backs of your dead classmates. Chew on that pod for a minute kiddies.

  14. petrus

    If you were a conspiracy type guy, you might think it odd too that this occurred 35 minutes from Trumps winter White House. And that the COPs were told to stand down.

  15. “and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from“

    “ROAD”? Another jackass know it all, like obama; he are edumacayted.

    He’s definitely a CNN plant; potted.

  16. Wouldn’t be surprised if dental records and or the technology used to confirm the age of EU Muslim “child refugees” reveal he’s in his late thirties.
    Reminds me of 90s actors playing HS kids.

  17. “How did he get through the police?” He said “I’m with CNN” and showed his Press Credentials.

    The Left USES blacks and minorities for votes, the Left USED the homeless and mentally ill to disrupt Trump rallies (recall, this was admitted on video), and the Left is now USING children – sending them out to lie – to further their agenda.

  18. Irate Nate
    MARCH 26, 2018 AT 7:36 PM
    I know how to settle this…anyone have Brian William’s phone number?

    I know how to settle this…anyone have Hogg’s birth certificate?

  19. Parkland (Coral Springs) is much farther than 35 min from MaraLago/Palm Beach. Google may have it pinned at that distance but it’s at least an hour drive if there were no cars on I-95. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy in this case. Certainly not distance wise.

    But why is Las Vegas still being tamped down? Who is Brian Hodges, why was he reporting real time to an Aussie radio station giving details no one else could’ve known, and why is he being protected?



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