David Hogg Thinks He’s Found a Loophole For Not Being Street Ambushed For Statements – IOTW Report

David Hogg Thinks He’s Found a Loophole For Not Being Street Ambushed For Statements

What a douchepick-

26 Comments on David Hogg Thinks He’s Found a Loophole For Not Being Street Ambushed For Statements

  1. I truly believe that this asshole will someday be busted for stalking and harassing someone (probably a teenage boy, and in violation of the restraining order the kid’s parents file against him), or else someone will find his laptop or cellphone and discover all of the horrific CP he’s got on it. That, or he’ll get pulled over for a broken tail light or failure to come to a complete stop, where the officer will find that he’s covered in blood and has the dismembered body of a boy scout or a prostitute stuffed in the trunk. Trust me, it’s gonna happen.

  2. No “Profile in Courage” here.
    The guy’s a pussy, a sissy, and a coward.
    If he (anyone) actually believes in something (anything) he should have the courage to speak of it.

    He’s a worm; a gutless opportunist who has weaseled all he could out of others’ misfortunes and crimes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Aircubed lol

    And LBS, of course he’s not wrong. Leftists in service of the Deep State and Democrats are never wrong. They have all of the “Get Out of Jail” and “Put You in Jail” cards. Sure, most of those cards are scribbled in crayon on Chuck E. Cheese napkins, but those cards are recognized by Kangaroo courts all across America.

    It sure seems like you’ve admiringly accepted without question the emaciated Humpty Dumpty’s little legal hopscotch game …”When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more, nor less.” But we are down the rabbit hole with these clever idiots, so that’s probably the safe play.

    Better not step on any cracks. It’d be a shame if something happened to your mother’s back.

  4. Thirdtwin, he’s not the first to use copyright lawyers that aren’t his own for person protection.
    I’m not sure where I’ve seen that dodge before but he is copying off of others.

    It seems like it was Avenati or someone like that on his way to a courthouse?
    Hoogg stealing the idea is par for the course since I doubt he has ever had an original thought.
    It also reflects has litigious our society has become…

  5. LBS, yes it was tried before, and it was not laughed out of the kangaroo court in which it was tried. Now it has become another leftist lawfare tool with the weight of precedent behind it. No doubt AOC will be using it in the future, if she hasn’t already.

    When you ask in jest, “I wonder if it works when I’m attacked here?”, you can rest assured that one of those arrested development assholes is trying at this very moment to find a way to apply the Disney Music Shield to social media. And they’ll probably succeed, assisted by some herculean reaching in the courts.


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