David Hogg’s Buddy, Cameron Kasky, #WalksAway From March For Your Life Group – IOTW Report

David Hogg’s Buddy, Cameron Kasky, #WalksAway From March For Your Life Group

Kasky’s Twitter profile reads –

Co-founder of March For Our Lives. Political Moderate. Occasionally right about certain things.

He’s now left the group he co-founded saying that he’s regretful of a lot of mistakes he’s made along the way. While touring the country he’s met people who have weapons he wanted to ban where it’s obvious this is a tool good people use to protect their families. He’s met the “50 some odd percent of women who are pro-life.”

My whole message is I was dropped up as an expert. The whole message was these kids are the real experts. Look, I have some very intelligent friends. Some friends who can intellectually run circles around me, but I’m not the expert in pretty much anything.

Sounds like he looked at his peers and he saw wet-behind-the-ears know-it-alls and he wanted to get a little distance because there’s a big country out there filled with good-hearted patriots that these kids should be listening to.


28 Comments on David Hogg’s Buddy, Cameron Kasky, #WalksAway From March For Your Life Group

  1. Good for him! The path to wisdom is understanding that others may be brighter and have more experience. Keeping the ears open and the mouth shut is the template that must be followed.

  2. Ditto all the comments above and once someone is able too see through a few pieces of leftist propaganda, as he has, he’ll question more and more of it and most likely he’ll see through it all in time. Good news.

  3. Bravo.
    But here’s the thing, too many adults have put it in teenagers minds they are “experts” at all.

    These parents have lost their way…. I want to give my child a voice….. yada yada.

    No, you want to relinquish your power because you’re too lazy or cowardly to assume responsibility as a parent.
    That these kids are marched out on the national stage to manipulate the narrative and cajole lawmakers into implementing their agenda is maddening.

  4. The kid gives me hope in the future of America, kids with an ability to think and discern. …..Lady in Red

    PS: And, no, BB, he doesn’t need an AR to *think.* You can take your six gun cap pistols and cowboy hat off and stop strutting like some damn *unthinking* fool!

  5. I noticed, BB, unthinking fool. I noticed and this is not the first time….

    Guns are good — important even — but they should never become a raison d’etre for living. I’m afraid you have taken your love of shooting to a dangerously obsessive level, and that is not good for gun advocates.

    Leave the kid alone. He’s just coming to grips with the idea that — perhaps, maybe — his thinking was wrong. And you need to get him to a gun range shooting an AR? Give it a rest. ….Lady in Red

  6. She hates guns, likes to kill babies. And I’m the unthinking fool.

    It’ll hurt, and I’ll be lonely, but I still have my guns to keep me happy.

  7. F4UCorsair

    Yep. I took a Lib school teacher shooting for the first time a while back. It went from “These things scare me” to “Can we stop by the gun store on the way back”. She’s now a RSO at the local range and teaches CCW classes.

  8. Scissors in the wrong hands (an MD) have killed more people than an AR type rifle in the wrong hands. Shooting an AR for fun is fun. It’s jabbing an unborn child in the brain with a pair of scissors, or encouraging & demanding it be legally permitted, that requires people to shutoff their thinking. (making it possible to lock their soul in the basement)

    But there is a catch. No amount of unthinking can make it moral. Legal, yes. Moral, no sorry, not possible. However, there’s always a chance thinking can be turned on again. John Newton managed to pull it off in the late 1700s. Cameron Kasky is making a grab for a ticket into the thinker’s circle too.

  9. @Engelburka Engelburka September 20, 2018 at 12:38 pm

    > These parents have lost their way…. I want to give my child a voice….. yada yada.
    > No, you want to relinquish your power because you’re too lazy or cowardly to assume responsibility as a parent.

    No. Line up all the parents you know. Line up all the parents you’ve met. Line up all the parents you’ve seen on the internet. Line them up anywhere but the shores of Lake Wobegon. And guess what? Half of any, half of all, those lines are below average. Not some. Not many. Not very many. Half. Fully half. At least half. One out of two. Three out of six. One-hundred-million out of two-hundred-million. Less than, just, average.

    Oh. And they vote. One xe, one vote. General suffrage, majority rules. All.

  10. No, BB. Lady in Red does *not* hate guns. She is a life member of the NRA and when she qualified at the police firing range, Moon Island, in *Boston* she had high score of the week. She obtained a license to carry in *Boston,* a feat almost worthy of a feature story in the Boston Globe.

    No, Lady in Red does *not* hate guns. She shoots regularly with a former Army sharpshooter and guns give her meditative pleasure.

    But, she is not a neurotic, little boy cap pistol bang bang, everybody-should-shoot-bang-bang about guns. You are (or have?) become a danger to the gun rights movement.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: As I wrote, leave the kid alone and let him think through these issues. And try: stop being such a stupid macho jerk!

    PPS: I seem to remember a time when you were not this damn one dimensional.

  11. That’s it, the engagement is off. In all fairness, you’ve changed too. You use to like the one dimensional me. And now, I’m a danger to your movement. Which I don’t think you’ve had yet today.
    Sorry, keep the ring. Sell it, and buy a gun. That’s what I would do.

  12. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 AT 2:12 PM

    “Too” many adults. “These” parents.

    I’m not averse to dissecting your riddle, and I’d even play along for your entertainment, but the premise of your conjecture is DOA.

    Btw, its time for afternoon meds!

  13. No, jpm, Lady in Red does NOT kill babies, either. She merely disdains holier-than-thou fascists who claim to know the truth for all people at all time and are committed to forcing all women to birth, regardless their personal moral decision process.

    Can you see the difference there, Christian fascist? ….Lady in Red

  14. A Christian fascist is kinda like a Mussie fascist wanting to kill all non-Mussies because that’s what God “tells” him he wants…. You see that, jpm?

    Christian fascists say that God tells them that all women must always be forced to birth…. See what I mean?

    Controlling other people’s lives — especially when you claim you have orders from God — should be a suspicious red flag for normal, peace-loving, private people. ….Lady in Red

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