6 Comments on David Letterman and Ted Nugent Christmas Show- 1987
Say what? …..Lady in Red
Back when we all got along. I never missed Letterman back in the day. And then, they all turned into militant zombies. I miss the old days. Today feels like a bad episode of the Terminator.
I’m old enough to remember when Late Nite TV was funny.
Dave better be careful where he goes now, he may get pulled in on one of those homeless sweeps they have in Hollywood.
Used to watch Letterman almost every night. He was really a funny guy, once upon a time. Now he has a terminal case of dipshititus.
Letterman and Conan were both great when non-political on NBC.
Say what? …..Lady in Red
Back when we all got along. I never missed Letterman back in the day. And then, they all turned into militant zombies. I miss the old days. Today feels like a bad episode of the Terminator.
Bing Bowie
I’m old enough to remember when Late Nite TV was funny.
Dave better be careful where he goes now, he may get pulled in on one of those homeless sweeps they have in Hollywood.
Used to watch Letterman almost every night. He was really a funny guy, once upon a time. Now he has a terminal case of dipshititus.
Letterman and Conan were both great when non-political on NBC.
Now they are both militants.