BPR: Don’t fool yourself; the Democrats and the mainstream media don’t want to cancel the next two presidential debates because they are worried about Americans’ delicate sensibilities. Are you kidding me? They know that the ailing Joe Biden is hanging by a thread, and they’re scared.
Even if they believe Biden won the debate, as they claim, they know it was only by default — because of a possible negative reaction to Donald Trump, as opposed to anything impressive coming from Biden.
They’ll do everything they can to avoid Biden taking the risk of being blown out of the water in upcoming debates. They understand Biden doesn’t have the juice, the ideas or the record to win a debate against Trump on his own. Without help from Trump, future moderators or the post-debate media chorus, Biden can’t win.

Granted, even some Trump supporters think Trump helped Biden out by being rude and interrupting too much. But former George W. Bush aide Ari Fleischer observed that Biden started it. Let’s also recognize Biden’s rudeness in telling Trump to shut up, calling him a clown and the worst president we’ve ever had, and again falsely smearing him as a racist. Yet Biden gets a complete pass for his rudeness. It’s almost as if the media were biased or something. read more
Biden is everything x100 that he accuses President Trump of. What an evil, ridiculous man. He is the perfect character for a presidential candidate/villain spoof. The Joker is jealous.
I was all set to vote for trump this time but he was so mean to biden I changed my mind
Said no one ever
With all the shit the left has thrown at us, the LAST thing we are is ‘sensitive’!
Rudeness is a weak person’s imitation of strength. Biden is weak in every way.
Dee, yur killin’ me
“It’s almost as if the media were biased or something…”
First good belly laugh of the day!