Day 7: McCain Continues to Dodge Questions on Role in Trump Hoax Dossier – IOTW Report

Day 7: McCain Continues to Dodge Questions on Role in Trump Hoax Dossier


[…] In December, it was McCain who notoriously passed the controversial dossier produced by the Washington firm Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose agency reportedly utilized the dossier as a partial basis for its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

McCain’s office did not respond to repeated Breitbart News phone and email requests over the course of last week and this week seeking comment on whether the Arizona senator was aware that the material he passed to the FBI was paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign.

McCain’s office also did not respond to requests for information on how he first obtained the dossier, which is filled with discredited charges.

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18 Comments on Day 7: McCain Continues to Dodge Questions on Role in Trump Hoax Dossier

  1. Ask him the questions in a heavy Vietnamese accent.
    “You guys all know my father is a top Admiral, right? Another thing,the prime rib and champagne tonight came late, and my color TV needs a better antenna. Chop-chop, guys.”

  2. My hope is that Satan will make McShitstain’s personal hell something along the lines of having to listen to Trump’s inaugural address on an endless loop for eternity.
    It may violate the Geneva Accords, but hey–Satan never signed ’em!

  3. The McCain Institute for International Leadership is run under the same business model as the Clinton Foundation. It is a way for foreign leaders to get around laws forbidding foreign donations to US politicians, by donating to their foundations instead. Soros donates to MIIL, Clinton-backed Teneo donated to MIIL. McCain is nothing but a male Hillary with less charisma. If you suspect him of it, he did it.

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