Day Of Remembrance For Those Killed By Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Day Of Remembrance For Those Killed By Illegal Immigrants


President Trump made a presidential proclamation this week to honor American citizens who have been killed by illegal aliens.

In a proclamation, Trump announced that November 1 will now be known as the “National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” honoring Americans whose lives were taken by foreign nationals illegally in the United States. More

15 Comments on Day Of Remembrance For Those Killed By Illegal Immigrants

  1. Liberal heads explode in 3…2…1…

    They cannot handle the brutal truth. Our prisons are full of violent illegal invader criminals. Build the wall. Deport the scum, all of them (their very first act was to violate our immigration laws). No DACA is innocent.

  2. …”Obama” is an illegal immigrant, so do we count the people that died because of his illegitimate presidency?

    Not to mention all the infants he consigned to death because of his murderous actions in the Illinois Legislature and ever since.

    …so if we’re remembering people who died as a direct result of someone who shouldn’t even BE in this Country,

    …he ALONE gave us an awful lot to remember…

  3. Well, it comes with a reminder about what biden is planning for the illegals and the fact that kamala the super cop never put one in jail, even after they murdered. AND Oct 31 to November 2 is all ‘day of the dead’. Not in a sad spooky way, but celebrating the people who have passed way.
    Trump is only using what’s there. The latin American hispanics will understand it.

  4. “Trump is only using what’s there.”

    Correct. Because this time he couldn’t use all those people whose family members died at the hands of illegals that gathered around him during the last campaign.

  5. Well, Margot you can shoot him an email if you like. All I know is those same people that were in the photos with him then and now, are always knocking on Congressmen’s doors and representing the other Angel Families and no one ever talks to them except the Trump admin.

    No matter what Trump does this week is going to seem suspect. lol

  6. “No matter what Trump does this week is going to seem suspect.”

    Correct again. So he should just stick to what’s working for him right now instead of throwing in some bs pandering he doesn’t need.

    Send him an email? I’ve been hammering on the illegal issue since long before Trump came on the scene. I’ve endured insults from Congressional staffers, implying I’m a racist. I was living in Apollo Beach when the mobile gang rapes of two local waitresses took place and it had a horrific effect on the community, especially the aftermath and how the media sucked up to the families of the rapists, and protected them. I was friends with a fellow who lost his wife to an illegal who plowed into her with his car as she was on her way home from work. He lost the will to live and followed her a couple of years later. There’s more, but I won’t get into it here.

    Don’t effing patronize me.

  7. Every year illegal aliens kill more people than those that perished on 9/11. Every. Year. It is an outrage. If Americans were crossing over to Mexico and killing thousands each year, I think that Mexico would be complaining loudly and international opinion would be supporting their outrage. Americans killed by their thousands and….crickets.

  8. EXTRI.
    1950 is a BAD DAYE. Ike sent them packing with “OPERATION WET BACK: There were virtually none in 1957!


    In HS between : 57 and 60 ; I spent many hours in detention for correcting the lies of my Communist teachers! About Ike being a “xenophobic, white nationalist”! OPERATION WETBACK


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