Daylight Savings Time Alert! – IOTW Report

Daylight Savings Time Alert!

Change your clocks ahead one hour before you snooze tonight!

27 Comments on Daylight Savings Time Alert!

  1. we should do as the Romans did
    dawn was 6:00 AM, sundown was 12:00 PM …. the essence of ‘daylight savings time’

    let’s just adjust it 1/2 hour & call it quits on this stupidity … no longer works (if it ever did) for today’s world

  2. We don’t change our clocks in Arizona.

    It’s 9pm right now and tomorrow at this time…it’ll be 9pm.

    Not sure if we skip it because we’re irascible or just d!cks. Either way works for me.

  3. Has anyone ever attempted to think that it’s somehow humanly possible to save daylight? You might as well try to bring a moonbeam home in a jar. Get rid of it and quit messing with it every Spring and Fall and just go back to Standard time all year long. I prefer the Sun coming up as early as possible in the Summer at 4 AM like when I was a kid since I am a morning person.

  4. Are you for real? Your girlfriends getting the Covid shot tomorrow? Wow!! I don’t care if I can’t fly to my family across the country, I don’t care if I can’t buy sell or trade, I don’t care if I can’t get into a grocery store, I will not get that poison injected into my body. I may starve, I may never see the people I love again, but I will not take that shot.

  5. The next conservative president should campaign on doing away with this shit.

    Restructure the time zones a bit to make things as equal as possible.
    For instance, Louisville is on the far West side of EST.
    Therefore the sun sets near 10 PM during the peak of Summer.

  6. “It’s much too big a jump. We should instead change our clocks by ten minutes every month.”

    Or go back to using sundials that automatically compensate for our changing length of daylight on a daily basis.

  7. Our Florida legislature a few years ago passed a law making it daylight saving time you’re around. It was signed by then governor now senator Rick Scott. It was forwarded to the federal government where it died.

  8. I actually prefer this time. I hate it when it gets dark before 6:00 p.m.
    However, I would like to keep one version (standard or daylight) – just stop the insanity of changing twice a year,

  9. It’s really 5:20 AM but my clock says it’s 6:20 AM and I’ve been awake since 4:40/5:40 as usual since I am a morning person. The only good thing about DST is that the Sun is now setting at nearly 7PM and we’re 2 and a half weeks from the start of a real baseball season this years with actual fans allowed to watch, woo hoo! And Winter is almost over and my tulips are starting to sprout and it’s going to be 62 today.

  10. We skip it in AZ because Maricopa County didnt want it, and as the lyric from the classic musical “Damn Phoenicians” goes — What ‘Copa wants, ‘Copa gets” .. Because 60% of AZ residents live in the Valley Of The Ungodly Summer Heat

    And thats why we dont change our clocks, cause it would just make the summer evening commute hotter than it already is. And its almost hot enough as is to melt your tires


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