Dayton shooter – “Vote blue for gods sake” – IOTW Report

Dayton shooter – “Vote blue for gods sake”

heavy- On Twitter, Betts Described Himself as a Leftist & Wrote About Hell & Guns

The El Paso shooter had a social media presence that indicated support for President Donald Trump and anti immigrant measures. Connor Betts’ Twitter page is very different; he indicates he’s a “leftist” and rails against QAnon, ICE, the industrial revolution, and police.

The page handle? I am the spookster. On one selfie, he included the hashtags, “#selfie4satan #HailSatan @SatanTweeting.” On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, he wrote, “F*ck John McCain.”

On Nov. 2, 2018, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.”

Photo on the Twitter page (left) and on his mom’s Facebook page (right)

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

Heavy confirmed the Twitter page through multiple verification factors, including a matching tattoo on both a page selfie and prominent news outlets’ pictures of Connor Betts; several family linkages to the page; similar photos, including of him and the family dog, on the page and family members’ verified accounts, including its name; and references to college and growing up in Ohio and Dayton.

The Dayton Daily News reported that the shooter also had a very old MySpace account that contained “notebook sketches showing odd phrases handwritten in screamo music-style font” and contained captions saying things like: “All Shall Be Annihilated,” “Bloodlust,” “Absolute Carnage,” and “Bloody Massacre.”

Scanner audio painted a terrifying scene as officers found multiple victims at the scene.

“We got shots fired. We got multiple people down. We need multiple medics…We need to shut the whole street down….We think there’s one shooter. He’s down. We’re looking for a second shooter,” says an officer in the audio. (There are often incorrect reports of multiple shooters in the early moments of active shooter incidents, and it was clear that officers were trying to get a handle on a chaotic situation with possibly conflicting early information on that point. They now believe there is one shooter.)

In a separate video he posted on Facebook, Williams claimed, “We had an active shooter with an AR 15. Came up with an AR 15 with a vest on and ear muffs and just started blowing bullets everywhere…there are casualties everywhere. Outside Ned Peppers, there were at least eight victims. I don’t know how many people they took away from other locations… it’s awful.”

President Donald Trump said in an early-morning tweet on August 4, “God bless the people of El Paso Texas. God bless the people of Dayton, Ohio.” In response to the shooting, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said that flags in the state would be held at half-mast as a mark of respect for the dead. The governor also said that he had been in contact with President Trump regarding the shooting.

6 Comments on Dayton shooter – “Vote blue for gods sake”

  1. FWIW,

    Way back during Columbine, actually while it was still going on, I was in a situation where several people were listening to the ongoing news reports and talking about the causes of this sort of thing.

    I pointed out that without placing blame for the cause, everything that the government did and that various anti-gun groups advocated would actually result in making the problem worse.

    So 20 years has passed, has it gotten worse or better as a result of everything that has been done in response to it (gun restrictions, magazine restrictions, outright banning of some types of guns in various areas, increased background checks, etc. etc, etc)?

    You see, the debate always gravitates to what the killers used to do their killing instead of the real causes of their motivations to do it. This sort of thing didn’t used to happen, or was very rare, but now is becoming increasingly common.

    There is no solution since the causes cannot be addressed at their root, and it is mostly illegal to do them even if they could. Compare the differences in America now with the way it was before this situation developed and you will understand why.

    Everything we do now will actually make the problem worse, just as everything we have done since Patric Purdy made his appearance on the scene has made things worse, and it will spread them throughout our nation at an increasing pace.

    We are now three generations into the things that have caused the problem.

    Look around. Be vigilant and be ready for it.

  2. Nice to see the mentally ill sticking together!

    I see they use their lackeys, to make more dead voters – who as we all KNOW, vote straight-party DEMOCRAP.

    SEVERAL times per election… 😳

  3. When the ghost out of the past makes its entrance — a double dealing death ghoul.

    The Ohio shooter died in 2014.

    The back story on this is that his mom owns a security company that contracts with the government, and she used him because she knew he could not be traced. That’s why there are so many different photos of this guy available, his mom had them and used them. This has been posted to ImgUR HERE. [ ]

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