DC Elementary School Gave 4-Year-Olds ‘Anti-Racism’ ‘Fistbook’ Asking Them to Identify Racist Family Members – IOTW Report

DC Elementary School Gave 4-Year-Olds ‘Anti-Racism’ ‘Fistbook’ Asking Them to Identify Racist Family Members

WCSI – A public elementary school in Washington, D.C., gave children as young as 4 a lesson on “anti-racism” that asked them to identify racist members of their family.

According to a Nov. 30 letter from Janney Elementary School Principal Danielle Singh, students in Pre-K through 3rd grade participated in an “Anti-Racism Fight Club” presentation by speaker Doyin Richards.

“As part of this work, each student has a fist book to help continue the dialogue at school and home,” Singh’s letter stated, linking to Richards’ presentation. “We recognize that any time we engage topics such as race and equity, we may experience a variety of emotions. This is a normal part of the learning and growing process. As a school community we want to continue the dialogue with our students and understand this is just the beginning.”

Richards’ “Anti-Racism Fight Club Fistbook for Kids” explains that “white people are a part of a society that benefits them in almost every instance,” and that “it’s as if white people walk around with an invisible force field because they hold all of the power in America.”

“If you are a white person, white privilege is something you were born with and it simply means that your life is not more difficult due to the color of your skin,” the “Fistbook for Kids” explains. “Put differently, it’s not your fault for having white privilege, but it is your fault if you choose to ignore it.”


Bold text is mine – Claudia

h/t Jason “Teaching our kids to be rats.”

21 Comments on DC Elementary School Gave 4-Year-Olds ‘Anti-Racism’ ‘Fistbook’ Asking Them to Identify Racist Family Members

  1. The only thing a 4 year old knows about racism is whatever their “teachers” have indoctrinated them with. Most anything could be construed as racist by a child that has been maleducated in today’s government schools. If a kid hears a parent say something like “finally, our household budget is in the black” the parent might be reported as racist. And what do they do to the family members that are reported? Are they put on some govt. list for being racist terrorists?

    Academia from kindergarten through graduate school needs to be figuratively (if not literally) burned to the ground and the earth where it stood salted as it presently exists. They’re taking this marxist BS of dividing people by class / color / sex / etc. including children and their families way too far. I think and hope that the well deserved blow back against this garbage is just beginning.

  2. God me who I am, I am a white male, get over it and quit trying to impose your damn racist agenda on me just because of who I am. I don’t judge you by the color of your skin but by your character of how you treat other people of all races, creeds, color and religion. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you used to be the golden rule, maybe it’s time for that and common sense and sanity to return to our upside down, crazy mixed up topsy turvy society.

  3. The Gestapo wouldn’t have stooped so low as to take the word of a four year old. Now your in the data base. Better to go kill them before they come for you. Just sayen.

  4. Fuck you niggers. Take your white-hating bullshit and shove up your fat asses. It’s not our fault that the stupidest of you pop out stupid rugrats like wild rabbits, thereby making you part of the dumbest and most worthless demographic in our entire country, perhaps the entire world.

  5. Red diaper doper indoctrination rule #1. Separate the child from the family unit, install the gubmit as the arbiter of truth.

    Rule #2 Use indoctrinated child to rat on parents.

    Rule #3. Whisk parents away in the middle of the night to the Gulug.

    They leaked a SC memo for the first time in American history.

    They want a internal and external war before November.


  6. My life is “not more difficult” because of the color of my skin? Why aren’t there any questions about the number of melanin-challanged individuals which blacks are forced to support through their taxes?

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