DC Invaded by Slimy Toxic Worms – IOTW Report

DC Invaded by Slimy Toxic Worms

UK Daily Mail

Ginormous toxic hammerhead worms – which can grow up to 15 inches – have invaded DC backyards as the slithering creatures shock residents and have scientists warning about getting too close. 

Americans are being advised to avoid touching the foot-long flatworms, which feast on slugs, snails and earthworms by paralyzing them with the same potent neurotoxin found in deadly puffer fish. 

Also known as spade-headed garden worms, the slippery specimens excrete a septic slime, which can be harmful to humans if ingested.  More

17 Comments on DC Invaded by Slimy Toxic Worms

  1. “A swamp-colored variety of the worm is seen slithering up the window of a home on Frazier Road in Warrenton, just west of DC”

    ..good camouflage for that location…

  2. Invest in salt. Lots and lots of salt.
    Use it the same way you would to an invasion of snails and slugs in your garden.
    Sprinkle “liberally” (see what I did there?) over the critter, then watch it foam and writhe.

  3. “DC Invaded by Slimy Toxic Worms”

    Since the Civil War – or The War Between the States.
    The invasion of the Slimy Toxic Worms really expanded during WWI and became permanent during WWII.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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