DC Legal Circles Rumor Says Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Durham – IOTW Report

DC Legal Circles Rumor Says Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Durham


Something has happened in the Durham investigation of the origins of the Russia rumor hoax, and a rumor circulating among Washington, D.C., federal criminal defense att0rneys is that a former member of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office (SCO) has “flipped” and is providing information to the investigators regarding the work of the SCO.

This is the earliest Tweet I can find on the subject:

RUMINT: Talk From Many DC Lawyers Saying One Of Special Counsel Robert #Mueller‘s Prosecutors Has “FLIPPED” & Is Now Cooperating With US Attorney John #Durham‘s Investigation Into The Origins Of #RussiaCollusion Investigation. A Single Name Is Being Repeated…Developing…

This kind of “rumor” very often turns out to be true, because it is nearly impossible for the legal staffs involved — the Gov’t and the cooperator — to keep a lid on everything.

Earlier today, before the Basham Tweet, there was this:

@johncardilloCan’t say why without betraying a confidence, but I just had a BIG restoration of faith moment in AG Barr and Durham.4:42 PM · Oct 1, 2020

Read more here

h/t Jerry Manderin

15 Comments on DC Legal Circles Rumor Says Member of Mueller’s Prosecution Team Has “Flipped” for Durham

  1. It’s getting to the point where every time I see one of these stories, I just roll my eyes. Enough with the gaslighting and sandbagging.

    Cardillo obviously hasn’t done his homework on Barr, otherwise he’d know there’s no faith to restore. Ever.

  2. I dunno….I’d like to see some Hangman’s Scaffolding at Trump’s Inauguration.

    Right after He’s sworn in…He makes the sign to let em drop…Leave em there til

    Spring Thaw…Then of course a large amount of Assholes flee to Xinada…

  3. @Menotu, personally, I’ll wait for an actual indictment & convection of someone from the top level before declaring a win. Been too many similar articles that have gone no where and the election is less than a month away. If Trump looses this all disappears down the rabbit hole!

  4. I greatly enjoy reading articles of the liberals turning on their own (GGGRRREEEEAAATTTTTLLLLYYYYY!!!!), especially when it is to cut a deal on lesser penalties for prosecution.
    There are a HHUUGGEE amount of cut deals that never make it into the public forum; people are quietly fired, pensions cancelled, cement shoes fitted.
    We may never know the full extent of all the libs being taken down through this ordeal. While I agree that prosecutions need to be taken all the way to the top, with Clinton & Obama at Gitmo, hearing that the Durham investigation is being postponed due to new information or a newly turned witness is music to my ears. (I’m already pretty down for “life in general” and so I’ll openly admit I’m also looking for the silver lining and trying to not allow “another investigation delay” to bring me down further).

  5. What I want to hear on Election Day…

    “Trump : Did you truly believe 243 years of America could so easily be delivered to the clutches of a mob? Already the bodies of 6000 hanged Democrats line along Interstate 695. Tomorrow the last of their leaders will be put to their death in the Capitol itself. As those traitors have died, so will their rabble… if they falter one instant in loyalty to the new order of affairs. Arrests are in progress. The prisons began to fill. In every city and province, lists of the disloyal have been compiled. Tomorrow, they will learn the cost of their terrible folly… their treason.”
    (Apologies to Sparticus (1960)).

  6. Directly related; not the same,
    Another liberal GWB judge has ordered protection of the Bush Boys: Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Mueler ….
    Liberal GWB judge is not John Roberts, its Judge John Bates! Bush put many liberals on the bench, VERY MANY

  7. I’m taking this as good news. I do hope its that van grack character. The loudest voices are usually the guiltiest.

    All you pessimists will feel better in a few months.


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