DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo gets married in prison – IOTW Report

DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo gets married in prison

FOX: Lee Boyd Malvo, who is serving life in a Virginia prison for his role in a 2002 sniper spree that left 10 people dead in the Washington, D.C., area, got married earlier this month.

The ceremony between Malvo, 35, and an unidentified woman took place at Red Onion State Prison, said Carmeta Albarus, who has served as an adviser and mentor for Malvo.

“Over the past 17 years, he has grown despite his conditions of confinement,” she said in a phone interview. “He has grown into an adult, and has found love with a wonderful young lady. … It was a beautiful ceremony.”

Malvo and mastermind John Allen Muhammad randomly killed 10 people and injured three others during a three-week rampage in October 2002. They were arrested near Frederick, Md., after an intense search that gripped the nation and the world. more

22 Comments on DC sniper Lee Boyd Malvo gets married in prison

  1. Seein as he was John Muhammad’s bitch-boy, I’m a bit surprised.
    Unless, of course, Buttigieg has a new gig … or Obola …

    The guy should have been executed – then justice would have been served – but that’s naivete on my part.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The DC Sniper was the top news story for months…until…he was caught, and he was BLACK, thus exposing the lie that only white guys are mass murderers, and, as a result, he was shoved down the memory hole.

  3. text book example of why there should be a death penalty.

    Lee has grown… what about Lee’s victims? when you murder someone you take away their entire future, all they would have done or would have grown. to let the murder live destroies any semblance of “punishment”. much more could be used to develop that thought but I’ll just end with Gen 9:6.

  4. I remember them holding the description of the car and telling everybody that it was a white van. As soon as they released the description of the blue car a trucker noticed them and block them in, nice job guys.

  5. Remember the case and situation well as I was travelin’ the roads around DC (and by that rest area 6 times per week). Neither really got what they deserved and the public never really got told about the muslime angle very well.

    This pos should not be paroled and under God’s law a death sentence would be a mercy.

    You know that infamous “purple gang” that Johnny Cash sang about hopefully consummated this marriage.

  6. “They were arrested near Frederick, Md., after an intense search that gripped the nation and the world.”…….and Chief Moose had a very good description of the pair yet ignored it for 2 weeks (because the perp was a whitesupremacistracistprepperKKKtypenomatterwhat) and 4 more lives were taken.

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